Essay Example on Vocabulary is all the words that Exist in a Particular Language








Introduction According to Cambridge dictionary vocabulary is all the words that exist in a particular language Diamond Gutlohn 2006 in Ferreira 2017 stated that vocabulary is the knowledge of words and their meanings Moreover ELF students should be able to recognize every word words and know their meanings When a student can be able to remember the word use the words that means the student has the knowledge as well as the meaning of the word Ferreira 2007 In order to deliver the material about vocabulary for students teacher needs to make instruction Vocabulary instruction is really important in order to help students to develop the kind of vocabulary that will contribute to their language learning goals The kind of vocabulary that will help students to achieve the learning should reference to explicit and independent vocabulary instruction Ferreira 2007 Teacher should make good preparation about material and the activity to teach vocabulary not only explaining in form of the class without considering the students need and interest Sunardi 2012

The vocabulary instruction can be done by using Total Physical Responses Total Physical Response TPR is a language teaching method which requires the activity about the coordination between speech and action It is a way to deliver the meaning of word by physical activity Richard and Rodger 1986 This method is a natural method in which the acquisition of foreign language is the same as the first language Most of the grammar structure and hundreds of vocabularies can be deliver through the imperative way The students are taught to listen first and get the vocabulary before use it or speak the language This method creates funny and enjoy situation to learn for students in order to get the target language Richard and Rodger 2003 in Ratminingsih 2014 Furthermore Total Physical Response Method refers to language teaching method in order built the coordination between speech and action it is way to teach language by using physical activity Fadilah 2011 Because English is a foreign language Indonesian learners meet some difficulties in learning English It is because Bahasa Indonesia is really different from the target language So the learners should have great motivation Students should be serious in learning English because learning a language that requires a total physical intellectual and emotional response Finocchiaro 1974 14 in Nugrahaningsih 2007 Total Physical Responses carries an enjoyable situation that can make students have great motivation This method using the combination of speech and movement or physical actions Richard and Rodger 2003 in Ratminingsih 2014 Fadilah 2011 also stated in his research that by the implementation of Total Physical Response method the students can learn vocabulary easier than before and they can be more motivated to learn English

 It is because the students practice directly using the vocabulary of the target language in real context by using gesture or their body movement By doing that the students can develop the storage of the vocabulary in a short time The vocabulary can be deliver by using some techniques that can be used by the teacher According to Larsen Freeman 2010 in Ratminingsing 2014 there are three techniques that can be applied First is command this is the most important way in conducting class using Total Physical Responses Method The teacher will say the word by using his her body movement to deliver the meaning The students only observe and listen to the teacher The second is role reversal it is done when students have already understood every word The students will do what the teacher say Then it will be continued with action sequence this is an activity in which the students arrange the commands in step by step Fadilah 2011 stated that learner of seventh grade in MTs do not master yet the four language skills and language components It made the students difficult to master the target language especially vocabulary So the student s vocabulary mastery is not satisfying yet This condition causes them difficult to understand some words in a context and they do not have enough yet words to say what they want to say

That is the reason why vocabulary is really important for students to master the language Since Total Physical Response creates enjoyable and interested situation to learn the target language It can help students to be more interested to learn the target language Teacher can help students to develop students vocabulary mastery English teacher is expected to use the TPR method as an alternative technique teaching in teaching vocabulary By using Total Physical Response TPR teacher can reduce the number of stress of students and make an enjoyable situation of learning vocabulary Moreover teacher should give commend in the target language and perform it with the students several times to make the student get the knowledge Fadilah 2011 This study explores the effectiveness of using Total Physical Response TPR method to increase students vocabulary mastery

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