Essay Example on Water quality can be defined as the biological Chemical








Water quality can be defined as the biological chemical and radiological characteristics of water bodies as the measure of quality of water to test the water s condition relative to the needs of one or more biotic species human beings animals plants and other living things Assessment of water quality is the most frequently and commonly used and is related to ecosystem health safety for human contact and consumption The categories of water quality parameters are determined by the needs which water is treated for mostly for human daily usage and consumption industrial usage or in the environment Besides assessment of water quality provides the baseline or basic information on the safety of the ambient water body Wikipedia The water quality of freshwater bodies is assessed in multiple ways based on physical chemical and biological processes Physicochemical assessment of water quality includes both physical and chemical assessment of in situ water by analysing using multiprobe instrument to take simultaneously reading of various water parameters temperature conductivity dissolved oxygen pH depth salinity and turbidity and nutrient analysis which measures the concentration of nutrient content nitrate nitrite phosphate and sulphate contained in the water of the sampling location

Among the objectives of this paper is to assess the effect of distance of sampling site from shoreline on the coastal water quality in the selected locations in the Pahang coastline waters mainly Pantai Anak Air Pantai Air Leleh and Pantai Sepat Thus the comparison of data from both distance and locations of sampling stations can be used to determine the condition and productivity of existing water body in the area Assessment of water quality can include variety of procedures and methods as water is a complex molecule that have unique properties such as physical chemical and biological In addition water have long become the indicator for the detection of environmental problems as there are many organisms that rely on water as their habitat and medium of survival thus the effect on these organisms are sometimes are reflected in the condition of the water they live in Other information that might be useful to measure the quality of water are the colour light intensity total suspended solids dissolved oxygen nutrients phosphate nitrate nitrite ammonia heavy metals bacteria and algae Particularly in this study this paper will focus only on some physicochemical properties of water that can be used as baseline study in other research The physicochemical properties that are focused on in this paper is the temperature pH and salinity of coastal water bodies

These three parameters can be commonly found in all research that was conducted by other researchers in the assessment of water quality in all location on Earth as the understanding of properties of water is the supporting element of their research whether in the study of abundance and diversity of phytoplankton or other marine organisms such as crustaceans molluscs fish and others The assessment of water quality is important for in depth understanding regarding the current condition of surrounding water and to manage the factors that might contribute to the condition such as climate change and land use available in the nearby area Western Australia s Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Furthermore extensive study in this particular area and water quality monitoring is needed for a better assessment of abiotic factors water quality as these parameters can affect the productivity of organisms as well as become an indicator for pollution level of aquatic environment Yap et al 2011 The regular monitoring of water quality can be a good source to understand about water health and resource management as weekly and monthly monitoring can help researchers to interpret the levels of nutrients temperature salinity pH and dissolved oxygen contained in the water thus they can relate the data to the productivity of vertical and horizontal bodies of water As water covers mass land area either as inland waters or coastal waters they are highly influenced by high level of heterogeneity of time and space which can be difficult to identify water conditions and sources of pollution

The identification of pollution sources is crucial in order to have an effective control on pollution and to minimize the contamination of resources Al Badaii et al 2013 Lack of management quality monitoring and relevant data of these coastal water bodies can further reduce their productivity and quality if no prevention or mitigation measures are taken into consideration Malaysia on the other hand is one of the country that are rich in marine biodiversity where these coastal waters contribute to the sustenance and livelihood of people that depends on it for food and other resources coral reef ecosystems seagrass meadows mangroves forest estuaries and mudflats However with recent development and advancement of modern living hood with gradual increase of human population these factors unconsciously pushed the boundaries of human residential areas into these pristine habitats Pollutants leachate and run off from land based activities due to rapid urbanization and municipal sewage management can cause impairment of water quality Land based pollution both point and non point sources of coastal water pollution can lead to disastrous result if not treated and managed effectively The marine environment also exposed to threats from shipping activities offshore oil and gas exploration and coastal construction activities Yuk et al 2015 Thus frequent monitoring and regulations of anthropogenic activities near aquatic environment is urgently needed to maintain the quality and well being of these aquatic areas

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