Essay Example on We are currently in the kernel of a technological and computing revolution









We are currently in the kernel of a technological and computing revolution that will drametically change our lives and potentially redefine what it means to be human I am eager at the prospect of devoting my long term career to such a dynamic fast advancing field As a child I was in awe of logic based devices such as videogames computers cell phones and so on Even as i was engrossed in them it occurred to me that what fascinated me the most was the ability of a machine to mimic human thinking It was natural for me to choose computer science as my university predominant part and now as i am towards the end of my undergraduate studies it is my central goal to continue my education in a more competing nonpareil and international environment Being born and brought up in the Baroda the smart city of Gujarat I completed primary education till 10th in ambe school and latter affiliated to center board of secondary education in tree house high school and having lucid bent of mind means that computer science mathematics and english were my favourite subjects In fact right when i started attending higher secondary education it became clear to me that my predilection for computer science and passion to develop and solve large scale industry challenges by contributing to this field were unputdownable I decided to pursue computer engineering and being encouraged from my parents and teachers combined with academic consistency and excellence in information technology fuelled the pursuit of my dream career 

Some areas of my education have stimulated me to think as much as my undergraduate courses in networking database management data structures and computer programming have When i used google translate for the fisrt time or when i watch videos demostrating AI technology or even when i log into intagram everyday and comeup with new feature what i feel is sense of marvel I feel a similar sense of exhilaration when i see my code run successfully It is this feeling which till date drives me to not give up on even the toughest of problems And it is this love for programming combined with my desire to dig deeper into the working of various applications and technologies which propels me to apply for an MS in computer science Pursuing my strong interest in computer science has over the years enabled me to develop keen analytical an reasoning skills Through the course of the four year bachelor of technology degree program in computer science and engineering at the prestigious Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology Limda India in 2014 2nd year onwards i traversed the journey smoother as the inculcation become more centered on computer science and small projects on different technologies began to take shape alongside textbook learning I acquired an overall perspective of this scientific discipline with a particular interest in object oriented programming net and java technology andriod technology and principle of compiler design and networking were some of the other areas that captured my attention

My keen interest in subjects translated into receiving an A grade in c programming also i involved myself in numerous projects including a prototype of a accounting and billing management system for a retail showroom developed using visual basic and SQL server and also the stimulation of a simple SLR parser using C for a principles of compiler design assignment proactive in my approach to learning i have also completed the pearson certified fundamentals of C programming course In third year another opportunity came along my way as i joined hands with three of my batch mates to create a application as a part of caricula These were development experience and paved the way for dealing real time problem solving and leadership qualities For my final year dissertation i worked with a team of two other classmates to develop a innovative idea event awareness The project provides realization about the authenticated upcomming events with in the city based on andriod technology The project is intended for communication between the event organiser and interested citizens This assignment greatly strengthened my conceptual knowledge and through its practical implementation it also allowed me to further my expertise through integrating andriod technology and java programming It is during these experience that i also had the opportunity to introspect and assess my personal qualities and time tune them to my self development goals and career objectives By nature i am creative sociable joyful and full throated person with a flair for problem solving decision making and self assured

My ability to adapt quickly with any circumstances have always kept me stabled centred and focused Whether as an individual or in group self initiating disposition and proactiveness have always been my greatest strengths I was awarded 1st position in poster making fest at parul I have been artist all my life and started painting rangoli and designs from 7th standard in addition to this i have been a district level player in lawn tennis and this sport has helped improve my concentration whereas my inclination towards art made me more creative Having acquired a firm foundation in field of computer science through a rigorous undergraduate program at this point i feel that it is the right time to take up graduate studies I wish to raise my understanding of the nuances of the computer science field and use this knowledge to further my chances for a lucrative career in software Being continuously envisioning new ideas and innovative solution to existing problems pursuing MS in computer science would eventually corroborate my idea and help me to incept a technology startup of my own someday I have done an exhaustive research of universities in this field of which the applealed to me immensely due to clear alignments with my goals reputed faculty infra structure and comandable pedigree I would therefore like to humbly submit my candidature in for your kind review and consideration

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