Essay Example on Wealth and wellness Konect is an Irish registered company








Introduction Wealth and wellness Konect is an Irish registered company which holds a franchise license with Longrich int l a leading Chinese Multi industry bio science conglomerate focused on development production and provision of health body skin daily care and Hi tech organic products for global customers for more than 30 years Its trademark is registered in over 60 countries and regions worldwide Longrich has an OEM Original equipment manufacturer and ODM original design manufacturer contract with top global companies They have research institutes and smart factories in key cities of the world Situation Wealth and Wellness Konect is a new company in Ireland that aims to introduce the Longrich marketing technique of organic based product sales and distribution via the multilevel marketing strategy a disruptive sales strategy of disintermediation Multi level marketing MLM is a business structure in which a company recruits distributors to sell the company s products directly to the public Those distributors also recruit others to sell the products 1

This is by simply changing their brands to Longrich and referral of other individuals to do same and get financial and promotional compensations in return With shifts in environmental trends there is increased life expectancy resulting in the need and demand for products that promote good health and treat health problems challenges The demand for organic products has increased rapidly worldwide as a result of their health potential They are usually more expensive than genetically modified products however Consumers like organically produced food because of their concerns regarding health their purchasing habits confirm a willingness to pay the price premiums established in the marketplace 2 There is growing dissatisfaction with genetically modified products because of their adverse effects In most of Europe the trend is the production of organic food for grocery stores This leaves a large market for organic based health sustaining body and personal care products Swot Analysis INTERNAL FACTORS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES New Organic based Products with no after effects Real life testimonies of efficacy in other climes Links to Longrich International a strong and effective brand with credibility from production for well known brands A robust compensation plan for franchisees No digital presence New company with no awareness and credibility in Ireland Limited Financial resources EXTERNAL FACTORS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 

Current trend emphasis on health and organic produce consumption Need for health related support due to longer life expectancy Dissatisfaction with genetically modified and chemical based products Few competitors in the sector Lengthy approval process of product registration Cost of outsourcing marketing efforts Competitors Forever living and Synergy Digital Presence Wealth and Wellness konect presently has no digital presence except for a Gmail account Competition MLM competitors in Ireland are few and not linked to products manufacturers but to marketing companies without the support of research development and flexibility to suit the changing needs of any particular market Objectives Traffic create a mobile responsive company website to attract and interact with about 5000 visitors by August 2018 and a subsequently 20 monthly increase Create appropriate Logo and tagline within first quarter of 2018 for brand recognition Grow brand company awareness and knowledge by setup of social media handles and creation of softcopies of posters by April 2018 Create and populate Blog with brand company information and links to relevant sites to build trust and credibility by May 2018 Engagement of target audience 50 of social media Facebook and twitter content to be user generated by December 2018 Strategy Segmentation Children and Teenagers Children are highly valued protected and cared for Adults Everyone is trying to avoid or cure one ailment or another personally for family members or friends Need to maintain wellbeing and minimize damaging effect of stress from an active and hectic lifestyle Seniors With longer lifespan number of aged is increasing and they often ail Most healthcare schemes are reactive and not preventive

Lots of money is now being spent on preventive maneuvers which are mostly drug related with possible long lasting or debilitating after effects Target Segment Our main target segment would be women in their role as initiator influencer decider and buyer We would be appealing to their emotions as mother housekeeper care giver provider career and business woman Women decide on children related issues food choices and body care products in the home as the primary care giver and home keeper Women are now more involved in initiating evaluation and actualization business ideas Due to the pressures of caring obligations women need flexible income sources businesses that can be done in one s spare time and convenience Positioning Products attribute Organic products with no chemical properties or side effects They reset the cells which affect the tissues and consequently the organs Price and Quality Healthier and cheaper alternatives to orthodox medical procedures Symbolism The brand would be associated with wellness and Wealth a source of passive income Tactics

The following are the tactics to be adopted Company Logo Create a company logo favicon and tagline for brand recognition online Website Creation of a mobile responsive company website on word press org site hosted by black Knight Links to social handles to drive traffic to the website Mail Soft copies of posters sent out as informative awareness emails to contacts mined from the website and other media These would introduce the company products benefits and franchise opportunity available Email is a cost effective way of sending out large visuals and information Blog Create blog within the website to drive traffic and SEO visibility Good content and links to credible sources that would set the company apart as an expert in the sector to boost credibility It is a cheap and effective way of getting customer insights Inserts of testimonies by real life individuals showcasing the efficacy of the products and wealth creation opportunity as search engine algorithms and individuals prefer what others say about you above what you say about yourself

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