Essay Example on What directly affects millennials in terms of their Education








Many have been asking this questions for decades but thanks to analytical scientific studies we know Healthy eating and proper diets directly affect your brain so a correlation towards school progression is evident With a significant increase in healthy eating your body functions at its best Initially the relative theory of metabolic and brain connection was inferred Studies show that malnutrition leads to behavior problems and that sugar has a negative impact on child behavior However these effects can be counteracted when children consume a balanced diet How teens function think speak and react is related to your said diet Teenagers are directly affected as their transition to maturity devolves from a proper diet In all correlating a proper nutritional diet allows for scholastically improved school progression due to the growth factor and nutritional dependency To begin with understanding the importance of this matter requires knowledge about its foundation Young adolescents have brains that are in their fecal stages of growth Although the majority believe that mental development happens in early adolescence current analysis shows that young adolescents bear tremendous brain growth and development In this period of time children begin to expand on their cognitive thinking

During this brain growth marks the start of somebody s ability to problem solve critically think plan and management of impulses This brain development cycle additionally impacts retaining information A school student will typically retain from five to seven bits data of knowledge at one time unless they are engaged in the rich new information memory that is retained is then transferred to what is known as your long term thinking During this short term memory ignores the information related to the previous information Brain function can be improved by adopting good brain habits and avoiding bad ones By keeping your brain mentally fit and eating brain healthy foods you can keep your brain functioning at the utmost levels Secondly as we approach a more modern and sophisticated era major changes occur to the upcoming adults A strong example of this is our extensive education system which has been evolving since the beginning of humankind In some high schools students are being pushed to load up on the hardest Advanced Placement courses and take on even more extracurricular activities to bolster their college résumés The education system within the United States adopts a strict to lose footpath in terms of education With this in place it makes significantly harder for teenagers and on how education affects their brain and mental health 

Furthermore foods and their nutrition directly affect how your brain runs as it play a factor as fuel Foods also impact your mental state as certain amino acids direct thinking and cognitive behavior Calories are the amount energy a certain food has with maintenance of calories daily allows for a healthy diet Mental health is directly affected by food and in a recent study about 120 students eating fast food drinks with concentrated sugars were associated with more mentality related issues mostly ADHD Pediatrics Vol 139 No 2 2017 The study resulted in that students who ate fewer fruits vegetables fatty oils in certain foods which result in having disturbed mental states Lastly many may argue that healthy eating has no correlation with school progression Basing their initial doubts on probable studies that were conducted to prove the hypothesis These studies range from mental state and the effect presented by certain foods on the brain's capacity to learn The inertial cortex of the brain has never deemed light to a true function However these claims can be proven wrong as with modern technology its function was discovered in the last decade Along with these probable studies every study has a similar result Which in all shows us that it is not just perception or mistrials Probable cause for concern would be what foods make an initial impact The verity of the matter on the other hand is presented when you associate nutrition and its effect on learning counter arguments can be made that eating healthy makes about physical well being and doesn't affect learning mentality This point brings about how adolescents have brains that are still growing and during this development they require essential minerals that make up the cerebral cortex 

Making an elastic claim that stretches as far as research can disapprove it In all making a strong proposition that healthy eating directly affects student progression In summation the initial point of view of this questionable topic allows for the broad interpretation of an ongoing epidemic In which the food we eat directly affecting cognitive behavior ability to problem solve and progress in school In all it comes down to how the brain operated what it needs to operate and also what foods implement learning The brain requires several foods that target growth of the brain itself Healthy eating directly affects school progression as targeting your thinking makes up why a student can function appropriately in the extensive education system Overall intense pressure has been placed on schools to have students to demonstrate high performance on state mandated tests and nutrition plays a key role in this success Nutrition should be taken off the back burner and place front and center to help students reach their full learning potential Our goal must be to teach all children the meaning and importance of good nutrition so they are able to develop good eating habits that will support a lifetime of maximizing their full potential

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