Essay Example on What Is a Black Hole Outer Space









What Is a Black Hole Outer space can seem very intimidating and is usually a very complex subject Since the dawn of time the human race has been curious and inquisitive of the universe we live in Although we ve come a long way since the beginning and have made many breakthrough discoveries and advances in our technology most questions still remain unanswered After all only about 4 of the universe has been explored As a result we are still trying to comprehend the contents of space and how the universe around us operates While we do know very little about space we have come up with a number of theories over the years to somewhat offer an explanation to compensate for the lack of knowledge about the sky up above For example black holes are a subject that we don't have a lot of information on 

We know what they are and how they are formed however we can only theorize about the particles inside of a black hole let alone what a black hole is capable of Because we do not know everything about black holes there will certainly be some common misconceptions that people believe Space anomalies such as these continue to baffle astrologists to this day As mentioned previously while 96 of outer space is still to be explored we do know quite a bit on what black holes actually are The idea of a black hole was first concocted by no other than Albert Einstein himself in his book titled The Principia Since then we've confirmed this theory and the way these abysses work According to NASA A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space NASA Black holes are at the end of most star's life cycle However not all stars have this fate In order to create a black hole a star must have the mass of 25 solar masses which is about three times the mass of our sun When a star is at the end of its cycle and stops emitting energy the force of gravity and radiation are thrown off and the star begins to collapse causing an implosion like a supernova After this occurs the star could form a black hole if it is heavy enough Other black holes are said to have been formed at the same time as their galaxy While there are many other questions about black holes that remain unanswered this is all the information astrologists have managed to discover about the formation of these space anomalies 

Thinking about the inside of a black hole sounds very frightening and in actuality scientists can't quite agree on what a black hole contains We do know that the surface of the black hole is called which would be the event horizon Once an object goes past the event horizon and into what we call the singularity consider it gone forever There are a few theories as to what might happen to an object inside the singularity of a black hole For example Physics Of The Universe com states Current theory suggests that as an object falls into a black hole and approaches the singularity at the center it will become stretched out or spaghettified due to the increasing differential in gravitational attraction on different parts of it before presumably losing dimensionality completely and disappearing irrevocably into the singularity If this theory were true we might never be able to see the inside of a black hole meaning that we might only be able to rely on what theory suggests Because we have very limited knowledge about these fascinating space anomalies it is not uncommon for rumors and misconceptions to arise thanks to things such as sci fi fueling our imaginations with endless possibilities Perhaps the most famous of them all would be that a black hole is almost a sort of space vacuum that has an irresistible gravitational pull and could suck the whole universe up as we know it This of course is false According to futurism com 

As you can see black holes in general are not giant vacuums that will eventually suck everything caught in their gravitational influence Most of the galaxy is in a nice stable orbit and would continue to be if it weren't for galactic collisions Black holes are just a mass like any other the difference being that if you get too close to them you may lose too much gravitational energy to continue your nice stable orbit Robson Another false fact would be that our very own sun could eventually become a black hole Hubblesite org reports Only stars with very large masses can become black holes Our Sun for example is not massive enough to become a black hole Meaning in order for a star to be able to form a black hole it would need to be three times the mass of our sun Deeming the center of our solar system to be way too small to become a black hole Even though we have only discovered a small portion of the world we exist in we do have some information about our universe Black holes are a subject that we are still trying to fully comprehend in addition to what we know as of right now Black holes are formed from massive dying stars or when a galaxy is formed but we do not know much of what is underneath their event horizon As scary as they seem black holes will not harm us anytime soon because they are not giant space vacuum cleaners and our sun cannot become one Until we develop more advanced technology to help us reach every end of space we can only theorize and predict

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