435Governance and power relationships are reflected in these processes and ubiquitous interfaces visibly or in a state of disappearance hungry for us to deliberately or automatically feed them our every breath move affect cognitive or emotional status in real time today Specifically this is manifested in acts of memorialization on social networks According to Bernard Stiegler the human has always had a technical tendency been prosthetic and his condition of emerging in the world is its relationality So it is no surprise that memory is an externalized technical evolving artificial faculty as part of intelligence and foresight but how is that process guided and what is burnt in the archive fever Currently acts of memorialization are performances inscribing a Death event again based on the negation and qualia framework for what makes us distinguishably human and what matters placing it in some loci to be stored and voluntarily retrieving it or being automatically reminded of it later for certain purposes and functions As part of intellect and consciousness memory and the act of remembering forms a huge part of one's identity matter in the schema mentioned above Therefore they are subject to biopolitics sovereignty of life and death control over real time cognitive space and property and are bidirectionally related to the selection attention recording encoding storage retrieval recall decoding and representation practices of media technologies that show or hide things at interfaces So in this scenario what are the current and possible consequences of the so called disappearance of Borders and replacement of the consciousness of the possibility of dying and representation of Death with their simulations in acts of memorialization and remembering via the interface