Essay Example on What the planes just hit the Twin Towers I picked this Topic









What the planes just hit the Twin Towers I picked this topic because it was a big attack killing many people I have heard people talk about 9 11 most of my life its part of our history Everyone has something to say about 9 11 I don t so I want to be able to know about my history be able to talk about it with other people The terrible attack happened on September 11 2001 Now it has a day for the terrible attack in memorial for the people that have passed The attack of 9 11 was caused by planes hitting the Twin Towers Many people died from breathing in the chemicals from the building and plane hitting People were jumping from the building some were even thrown from the building when the planes hit I would like to know who the planes were from and why they hit the Twin Towers How many people died and why caused most of the deaths Were there any survivors and how did they get out in time How many firefighters and policemen and women had to help with getting people out and with all the destruction What were they trying to attack in the first place was it only the Twin Towers or was it more than the Twin Towers I want really know who did it and why they hit the Twin Towers Was it a country or state was it an accident or on purpose Did they mean to hit the Twin Towers or were they aiming for something else Did the Twin Towers or planes catch on fire or just go up in smoke 

The Search Results The attack on the twin towers was a horrible thing that took place in New York City On the day of September 11 2001 there were four planes and two of them were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center What Happened on 11 September 2001 CBBC Newsround There were many people that died that day and it impacted thousands of life s maybe even millions About 6 people in the Twin towers at the time they were falling survived About 10 000 others were injured History com Staff Now it has a day for the terrible attack in memorial for the people that have passed Many people died from breathing in the chemicals from the building and plane hitting People were jumping from the building some were even thrown from the building when the planes hit The attacks shocked the world It was the biggest terrorist attack ever in America What Happened on 11 September 2001 CBBC Newsround Almost around 8 40 a m hijackers aboard the plane and crash the plane into floors 93 99 in the North Tower Around 9 00 a m the planes fly into floors 75 85 south tower At 10 00 a m The South Tower collapses Somewhere around 10 20 a m North Tower collapses 8 00 p m President Bush talks to the nation History com Staff 9 11 Timeline 2011 The attack shocked the world millions of people saw it on the news Many people risked their lives to save and help the hurt Millions of firefighters and policemen helped many people People ran for their lives and panicked and tried to get away from the towers Screaming for their lives some people got trapped under all of the destruction

One woman got stuck under all the destruction for 26 hours They found her and got her out from under the destruction Wheeler page 56 Thinking you ll never be found or rescued running through your head is pretty scary When the attack was over almost 2 billion tons of steel glass and concrete had fallen on the streets of New York City When they started to clean up all of the destruction they dumped 12 trucs an hour just to get everything off the streets Wheeler page 55 Even at that it took them several weeks maybe even months to get it cleaned up Even at Americas lowest points like on 9 11 at a Walmart near New York around 100 000 American flags were sold Wheeler page 47 This website tells you about how there were four planes and two of them were flown into the twin towers in New York Another was crashed into the Pentagon the top military building in the capital city Washington DC The fourth plane crashed into a field 80 miles from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania What Happened on 11 September 2001 CBBC Newsround My Growth as a Researcher I learned a lot about 9 11 that I didn t know before it was eye opening There is a lot to the story that not everyone knows about I learned that there was hijackers that took over the planes and crashed into the Twin Towers It was surprising to find out that 10 000 people were hurt in many ways That many people were jumping and being thrown from the towers Many people died from breathing the chemicals and the toxins that were in the air is one of many things that I didn't know about As a researcher I learned that you can t trusted a lot of cites You have to cite and if you dont thats plagiarism That it's hard to find really good cite with a lot and good information

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