Essay Example on What we did as company at a small advertising Firm









Just a few months after getting hired as an executive assistant I found myself still trying to familiarize myself with what we did as company at a small advertising firm My position was new and as the first person to occupy it and I wanted to prove that I could make a significant impact to my company My boss the president of the company offered me a chance to do just that when he called me into his office one morning The reason I had been hired was that while my boss was smart and great with coming up with ideas to further the interest of the company he wasn't great at staying on track or meeting deadlines I understood my role would be more than answering calls and scheduling but I never anticipated this 

As I walked into his office he asked me if I could help with an important project that would be an additional revenue source for the company As a small political advertising firm that made majority of their profit in the ten months leading up to the election every two years I understood having and additional revenue source outside of that meant big things for firm As he started explaining the project everything he mentioned immediately went over my head He described in great technical detail how he wanted to create software that would scrub political spending files and organize them in a database that could be used to create datasets and visuals He knew I had no familiarity with software development and no technical experience he knew I had gained very limited knowledge about advertising in my few months at company but he had full confidence that I could spearhead this project For the first time in my life I felt like I had been set up to fail I remember hesitating for a moment before telling him that this would be a great learning experience This was my first real job and I was eager to prove myself I was also completely unfamiliar with where to even begin 

My first step was to schedule a meeting with our tech advisor so he could explain the rudimentary aspects of what a project like this would take This new software would need to be built from scratch and would incorporate several existing databases while having the ability to add systems that were yet to be created it would need to track spending across many mediums with options for expansion in the future and most importantly it would need to be done in a very limited timeline and budget Once completed the software application would be responsible for the tracking of millions of dollars in political spending by every candidate and group in the country The scope of the project was huge I understood that even without the full background required of it A part of me what yelling at me Are you crazy You don't know the first thing about this You're setting yourself up to fail and yet I remember telling my boss that this would be a great learning experience and I could not let fear of failing hold me back The truth is I love to learn and in this moment of uncertainty that fact had not changed To me the creation of this new software system was another chance to gain more knowledge and understanding of a whole new interesting and innovative field 

This project was no small task and the only way for me to succeed while doing the rest of my job was to read learn and take classes all outside of work I realized this was the only way that I would overcome the steep learning curve and learn the ins and outs of our existing systems I would come in early to work to discuss progress with our development team based in India and most of my lunch breaks were scheduled for meetings with my boss and tech advisor to gain a better understanding of their needs for the software Within two months the system that came to be called Pharaoh was ready for beta testing One year later it was an integral part of the services offered to our clients Creating this software was demanding and challenging work that required a great amount of time and effort but I can say that I enjoyed every minute of it This experience taught me that we are faced with challenges in life big and small Many times we fear and are intimidated by the challenges while other times we face them with eager determination Looking back at the choices that have brought me to this point in my life I like to thing that I choose second category I have fear and self doubt like many people but I know my determination to learn and succeed will always give me strength and support against any challenges I face Like any significant challenges in life a career in law is intimidating but with great determination it is a challenge I eagerly accept

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