Essay Example on When I discovered an interest in Writing









It is difficult for me to remember when I discovered an interest in writing which at first I considered as a boring work requiring people to spend brunch of time in front of table to only organize monotonic words Before becoming a writer I should first explain how does reading the method people utilized to share their experience illusions or perspectives through writing with others attract me until today The first book I have ever read was a fairy tale book which consisted of both pictures and words It was The Little Match Girl written by Han Christian Andersen describing the story of a little match seller who was froze to death on Christmas Eve At that age of six I had never heard about tragedy before and realized the importance that I should value today s life My thought was first influenced through reading and certainly I started to recognize that whatever others write about even only a fairy tale that had not real happened it would at least share their own points with others less or more However the moment that I really fell in love with reading was when I read the 

ALL MAN ARE BROTHERS a Chinese masterpiece which describes the arduous life of people under tyranny and how they started the rebellion Although books combined with both pictures and words are less of a hindrance for children to understand they could not completely express what authors expect to express since most of space of the book was occupied with pictures For instance when I read The Little Match Girl I could only obtain the information about there is a sorrowful event and the outline of the story without any description of details such as portray of the girl s appearance and her own emotions which could make the reader feel like he or she is a part of the story In that case when I enjoy the story of ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS I pointed out that the author created numerous details in his writing such as what farmers complain about when they were taxed heavy by the government and every actions of fighting scene Hence when I first read the book full of words I was soon fascinated by the writing of story though as an elementary school student I struggled with those complicated words writer used After reading several novels the thought of writing by myself appeared in my mind nevertheless I realized that it was not as easy as I thought before I took part in a school writing competition during weekends which required us to create an article with the title of a moving castle 

Since the theme of article had been released before I did not really attach the importance of the competition after all I had read books composited with hundreds of thousands of words would it difficult for me to finish a story with only five hundred words Without conception before my mind has gone blank when I sat in the classroom to write that day I found that it so difficult to obtain inspiration by myself and could only recall similar stories I had read before it was obvious that I could not plagiarize others writing Consequently I finished the passage with nonsense of 500 words having no creative plots It was a complete failure After the competition my teacher also set more assignments about writing but not only dairy In this case I figured out more differences between writing and merely reading and recognized that improving language skills was the prerequisite of all sorts of writing Reading enable people to consider about events from different aspects and the critical thinking is also a vital ability of literacy studying additionally writing requires not only the thoughts but also the capacity to express the thought accurately and attractively The only method to develop these abilities is quantity of practice I started to finish a short passage every day no matter what it was about any aspects Combining reading with writing practice I found out that compared to peers I could obtain inspiration more swiftly because I had read a lot and could consider the issue from different areas and aspects For instance once my teacher assigned a writing with the title GIFT

Most of my classmates just record the memory of receiving a birthday gift from their parents or friends I reckoned that the gift did not have to be an actually subject such as a book or a football It could be a precious experience which taught you of knowledge or a truth I wrote about my first time to take part in a music concert which provided me with the chance and the courage to play the piano in front of strangers as the result my passage was distinct from others and the teachers also commend me because of my creativity Admittedly because of the lack of writing exercise before I still confront the hindrance of the transaction between my own thoughts and words nonetheless I believe it is obvious that the situation would be improved as time goes by and I practice more That is the reason why I still enjoy recording impressive issues and thoughts by writing them down and additionally sharing them with others

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