Essay Example on William Shakespeare was very famous writers even until Now









He was an English poet dramatist and also an actor He was known as the greatest dramatist all the time and called English national poet Shakespeare was born at Stratford a market town on the river Avon in warwickshire on April 23 1564 He was the third child of eight children of John Shakespeare His father John Shakespeare was has more than one occupation like a butcher a glover and a farmer In 1565 John Shakespeare was chosen as an alderman and bailiff mayor of Stratford in 1568 And Mary Arden his mother was a daughter of the landowner Shakespeare allegedly attended a grammar school in the town Education at Stratford school was based on Latin grammar rhetoric and composition He was learned about how to to read write and speak the language practically well and studying some of the Classic history moralists and poets And it was forbidden to speak English in the upper forms At fifteen years old Shakespeare left school He did not go to the University And at eighteen he married Anne Hathaway who was eight years older than him So Anne was 26 years old at that time 

They married on November 28 1582 in Worcester in Canterbury Province Anne was from Shottery a small village a mile west of Stratford Their first child born on May 26 1583 they named her Susanna And two years later their twins was born Hamnet and Judith on February 2 1585 But then Hamnet was died in age 11 the cause of his death was unknown After the born of his twins in the same year Shakespeare was suddenly disappear from public until 1592 the year when his works showed on the London stage for the first time People called his disappear in these seven years as Shakespeare's Lost Years William Shakespeare made his first appearance on the London stage in 1592 but no one sure know about the date There his plays were written and performed After 1594 his plays just performed to a company that owned by a group of actors Lord Chamberlain's Men which became one of the greatest companies in London In 1599 Shakespeare with the players that acted in his play created his own theatre on the River Thames and it was called the Globe Theatre His career went increasingly Shakespeare was succeeded in acting and also as a playwright He worked with his team in the Globe Theatre until 1610 In the same year Shakespeare was retired from working on the stage After that he spent the most of his time in Stratford Many sources said that William Shakespeare was died on April 23 1616 on his 52nd Birthday Then two days later he was buried at the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford on April 25 William Shakespeare was a great writer He known wrote 37 plays in the different categories His plays generally divided into three categories as comedy tragedy and history 

First is Shakespeare's comedy It usually has a happy ending It could be about two people who love each other but have many problems in their relationship often contain the disguise to hide someone identity and a clever servant His plays that categorized into comedy are All s Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Cymbeline Love s Labours Lost Measure for Measure The Merry Wives of Windsor The Merchant of Venice A Midsummer Night s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Pericles Prince of Tyre Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Troilus and Cressida Twelfth Night Two Gentlemen of Verona Winter s Tale Then the second is Shakespeare s tragedy In this plays usually contain the death of the main or the important character in the story the character has a bad social life or being ignore in society believe that destiny was has to be happen often has a noble as central figure that has a bad characters and causing many problem His plays that categorized into tragedy are Antony and Cleopatra Coriolanus Hamlet Julius Caesar King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet Timon of Athens Titus Andronicus The third is Shakespeare s history This kind of plays is focus to tell about the kingdom life and usually based on the true condition of the age of Elizabeth His plays that categorized into history are Henry IV parts I and II Henry V Henry VI parts I II and III Henry VIII King John Richard II Richard III And there are also his poetry such as The Sonnets A Lover s Complaint The Rape of Lucrece Funeral Elegy by W S Venus and Adonis The historical background of Elizabethan age was also affected to the works of William Shakespeare The age of Elizabeth is the era of settlement and expansion In this era the state of politics and religion were stable Even though there are dynastic problem but that was not a big problem that can made a serious trouble or chaos The settlement in this era was gave a good impact to the literary works of the writers including Shakespeare Moreover the Queen Elizabeth also gave a big support in literature so he has more chance to make a good quality of literary works And he also can develop a comedy and tragedy his works didn t just about war There was no big problem that could cause a war in this age Whereas in this era there a so many expansion not only the area but also the knowledge An intellectual of people were increase so much so it gave a good effect to produce a better quality of literature

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