Essay Example on Wishing to study crime forensics you may want to study physics First









If you find yourself wishing to study crime forensics you may want to study physics first Before understanding the relationship between physics and crime forensics one must understand what crime forensics is Crime forensics can be defined scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime In simplistic terms it s the usage of science in crime investigation However within all the sciences physics plays one of the most important roles in crime forensics Physics is used in certain areas of forensics such as cross examinations of blood splatters crime scene reconstruction infrared spectromicroscopy and ballistic evidence Allow me to elaborate Ballistic evidence uses basic knowledge of physics if anything it is rooted in science Ballistic evidence is used to determine the trajectory of a bullet along with its possible impact Projectile comes into play when calculating the path in which the bullet was traveling along with the speed the bullet and the height the bullet was shot from Being able to determine the height and speed of the bullets helps narrow down the possible guns that were used Examining ballistics broken down into two out of four of its sections starting with interior ballistics Interior ballistics will indicate how physics is used to determine the ignition time and lock time Ignition is used because the initial pressure released by the gun to the bullet holds effect on the final velocity of the bullet The friction between the gun and bullet affects the movement of the bullet Exterior ballistics focuses on all the forces acting on a bullet just as when dealing with projectile and direction you would focus on the forces acting upon an object Gravity forces the bullet to accelerate downward 

Air resistance can cause the bullet to slow and wind can change the direction in which the bullet travels The mass and weight of the bullet also affects the landing location of the bullet Another part of crime forensics that is heavily dependent on physics is blood splatters Blood splatters can be defined as angle between the direction of a blood drop and the plane of the surface it strikes It's almost impossible to understand the physics behind blood splatters without understanding blood splatter patterns There are three types of blood splatters First off there is contact bloodstains Contact bloodstains are when an object with blood touches an object that has is free of blood Then there is projected bloodstains This is when some form of energy transfers to the blood splatters Lastly there are passive bloodstains This type of bloodstain forms from blood drops falling with only the force of gravity acting upon it Passive blood drops can be subdivided to include drops drip patterns pools and clots Based specifically off the shape and the size blood drip forensics uses the law of gravity and motion to figure out how and where the blood fell from When it comes to all blood types the velocity and shape of the blood physics is used to calculate the height direction and magnitude that's a vector quantity of the blood Knowing the velocity helps categorize the blood splatters which further helps determine how the blood splatters Low velocity blood splatters are produced when the blood is moving less than 1 5m s High velocity blood splatters are when blood is traveling more than 30 m s 

Medium velocity blood splatters produced when blood is traveling between 1 6m s and 29m s If a blood splatter has a low velocity it s most likely a contact or projected bloodstain If it has a medium velocity its is most likely a passive bloodstain If it has a high velocity it is most likely a projected or contact bloodstain To conclude physics is used to calculate velocity height etc then from there the bloodstains are broken down into categories Lastly but certainly not least physics is used as an aid in crime scene reconstruction One way physics is involved in crime reconstruction is blood splatters As explained in the previous paragraph physics is used to find blood splatters Blood splatters then tell you the direction and movement of persons or objects as they are losing blood area of origin of impact direction the blood was traveling in before it stained the position of the persons during bloodshed and the mechanism used to on the victim Crime scene reconstruction also utilizes Newton's Laws For instance Newton's law of cooling the rate of the temperature change is proportional to the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings is applied

Once a death occurs a body cools until it reaches the environmental temperature From there the cooling is mathematically reconstructed then an exponential decay of temperature is discovered This allows a time elapse estimation since the death This helps with using more accurate models Newton's Laws of Motions is used when reconstructing crimes that involved or resulted in a car crash es For instance Newton's First and Second Law inertia and force equals mass multiplied by acceleration applies when a car that is moving is collides with a car that is at rest By using this law a car crash involving a car moving and at rest can be replicated to determine the acceleration With this information the entire scene can be reconstructed In conclusion physics plays a major role in crime forensics Physics is used for reconstructing crime scenes creating timelines sequence of events or the time in which the crime occurred Physics is even used to determine types of bloodstains and when it occurred Along with bloodstains physics helps determine impact of objects and their projectile

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