Essay Example on Women before the 1920s barely had any Economic Power








Women suffrage was a 70 year battle History com Staff Women before the 1920s barely had any economic power Most women did not go to school and were stuck in feminine jobs such as teaching and nursing Women did not have any say in politics They also did not have the right to vote or the right to work in the government They were not even supposed to mention politics Women's social life was minimum Most women stayed in the house while they cleaned and took care of their children Until they were changed socially women had to watch their behavior Women were not supposed to talk to men outside of their family and they were not supposed to do anything deemed unfit for a women The most significant cultural change in the 1920s was the nineteenth amendment for the way it gave women more opportunities economically through work politically through voting and socially through the women's right movement Through the 1900s women were changed economically by receiving a higher education gaining knowledge in different work forces and therefore gaining a higher paying wage Women were going to universities and colleges to receive a better education Since they were pouring out of schools more women started heading to the work field Females were not welcomed by the students at the University of North Carolina but they opened housing to them in 1921 The students even wrote Women Not Wanted Here on the student newspaper headlines women Times were changing and each year more women earned college degrees women Women are moving out of traditional feminine jobs and into different work forces With the new jobs women were receiving higher wages

 Before the 1920s women of the middle class desire to have non standard job but they were restricted to school teaching social service work nursing stenography and clerical work in business houses In the 1920s some of the occupations were tearoom management They also sold real estate and antiques opened smart little shops and invaded the department stores Immell Myra H et al 148 149 The number of women working outside of their homes doubled in the 1920s to twenty one percent Kyvig Need to find page number Today women make up forty percent of the working class Labor force In 1938 the U S Supreme Court upholds Washington s minimum wage laws for women The fair labor act gave a minimum wage without regarding the gender or sex Detailed Timeline Although modern women are still struggling to get paid equally to men women receiving a higher education experiencing new work forces and getting a higher wage is one step closer to reaching their goal Through women gaining a higher education women were more exposed to politics therefore women started to vote and work in the government

On August 18th 1920 the nineteenth amendment was passed giving women the right to vote On November 2nd 1920 more than eight million voted during the election across the United States All of the twelve states who did not approve took over sixty years to ratify the amendment Mississippi was the last to do so on March 22nd 1984 History In the 1980s there was the first woman supreme court justice Women s history In 1922 Rebecca Latimer Felton became the first woman United States senator In 1925 Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman governor of a state which was Wyoming In 1933 Frances Perkins became the first woman appointed to a presidential cabinet She was the secretary of labor Timeline In the 1980s there was the first woman supreme court justice Women s history In 1981 Sandra Day O Connor became the first woman judge on the United States Supreme Court Timeline Through women getting involved in voting and working for the government women s voices started to be heard more frequently Since women s voices started to be heard more often women changed socially by dressing and behaving differently than in the past Around the 1920s women known as flappers started to become bold and dress how they wanted Flappers were known for their style Their style was short hair straight dress that hung just below the knees beads and jewelry and heavy makeup Corrigan 19 During the mid to late 1920s it was fashionable for women to look boyish

During World War II it was necessary to save material so skirts were shorter Clothes were rationed until 1949 Brief history Long before this Americans thought of clothing as protection and warmth Kyvig 102 Cosmetic were becoming popular among young women Face powder rouge for cheeks lipstick eyebrow pencil and eyelash curlers became popular African Americans used skin lighteners to get a more white color so they can achieve the white is right complexion Once sales were soaring they started selling small hand held cases with powder and a mirror known as a compact This allowed women to stop easily for touch ups Kyvig 105 Women changed social standards by not limiting themselves to what they could say and by dressing differently Women getting the right to vote changed how life was lived Women getting a better education and better jobs that had better wages changed women economically Women changed politically by starting to vote and work in the government Women started to not limit herself to how they dressed and how they behaved which changed them socially The most significant cultural change in the 1920s was the nineteenth amendment for the way it gave women more opportunities economically through work politically through voting and socially through the women's right movement

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