Essay Example on World History I Research Assignment









World History I Research Assignment I Q A Transcript What events or experiences in your childhood influenced your approach to government I was born in Berlin in 1620 as the only son of the elector at the time George William and Elizabeth Charlotte Frederick William Roider I apathetically attended lectures at the University of Leiden located in Netherland Frederick William During my free time I explored the Leiden observing the commercial life and seafaring power of the Dutch Frederick William The experience made a lasting impression on me by the time I left which later pushed me to build an active navy that chartered Dutch ships and the African Trading Company which brought in moderate amounts of profits Frederick William How did you become ruler Was it an easy process Were you expecting to rule I am part of the Hohenzollern family the ambitious ruling house of Brandenburg Prussia and imperial Germany Colon Jose et al Hohenzollern dynasty My late father George William was in poor health so during the year 1640 I succeeded him at twenty years old when he passed away Roider Frederick William Colon Jose et al 

Through the phase of becoming ruler I inherited the duchies of Prussia from the east and Cleve and Mark on the Dutch Frontier in 1640 Frederick William Colon Jose et al Roider When I began my rule I had scattered possessions with a variety of social and political systems Frederick William What challenges did you face as a ruler and how did you deal with these challenges When my father ruled he delegated his power to the military adventurer Adam von Schwartzenberg Roider Adam von Schwartzenberg created an army whom spent their efforts creating turmoil within our land rather than defending against our enemies Roider When I began my rule I dismissed Schwartzenberg after numerous complaints about him came in from different estates Roider Junkers or young lords dominated Brandenburg Pomerania and East Prussia in 1620 McKay Two thirds of the land in Brandenburg was controlled by Junkers enserfing tenants who provided labor for them two to three times a week McKay My lands were caught in between warfare involving the Swedish and Polish and I only had a small army from Schwartzenberg so I desperately needed an army to fend the two powers away Roider These Junkers did not support growing centralized power nor care about our land s vulnerability which became an issue for me especially when I needed funds from them to build up an army Colon Jose et al Roider Frederick William After a refusal from the Estates I immediately began reducing their authority and increasing my own authority by bringing absolutism to Brandenburg Prussia Roider I began ignoring the Estates and using my small army to collect the proposed taxes anyways Roider Eventually the Estates granted the sums I requested because they could not think of another way to resist me Roider What is your philosophy of government As you the Estates could not assist me in issues such as defending my land so I knew I could not count on them in the future Roider As a result I decided the best way for Brandenburg Prussia to succeed would be to become the absolute ruler Roider To win over the Estates 

I gradually delegated my power to them giving them rights such as collecting taxes official appointment and quartering troops Frederick William Roider Slowly my administration became centralized as I replaced the old tax collecting structure of the Estates with my own structure I believe that reforms should not be made for long term benefits or a for a government philosophy but only for what is necessary at the current moment Roider Wilson Reforms should be specific with limited targets Roider The future is the future so the focus should be on the present Discuss your approach to foreign policy Discuss your domestic policy After constantly having to deal with noble landlords I used conflicts between towns and the nobility to my advantage and weakened their power Frederick William I created a financial base for a large standing army which later on was used to impose reforms or laws Slowly my army became nationalized and made up of many of my subjects Frederick William What have been your greatest successes as a ruler How did you achieve these successes What advice would you give to other rulers or to your successors Was there a particular event or experience that taught you a valuable lesson What was it and what did you learn from it My advice to my successors is to maintain your power from both a domestic and foreign perspective If you have an opposition challenging your power strategically plan out a way to defend your power For an example when the Junkers were not giving in to providing me the sufficient funds I requested I ignored them and used what I had to get the sufficient funds knowing that they could not do anything about it Roider

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