Essay Example on Yellowstone National Park is a very exciting Place









Yellowstone National Park is a very exciting place located in the states of Wyoming Idaho and Montana Yellowstone National park is placed upon a volcanic hotspot making the trip very adventurous and exciting Although the park itself is very interesting the formation of the park is very eye opening The Earth has 3 main layers the core Mantle and the crust The Earth's crust and upper mantle or lithosphere is divided into many plates that we call plate tectonics Convection currents in the asthenosphere cause the plates to move As plate tectonics moved it caused the molten material in the asthenosphere to make hot spots The asthenosphere is the upper portion of the mantle right below the lithosphere There is so much heat and pressure that rocks can flow through it like liquid The hot spots caused magma to be pushed up to the crust making an explosion of magma This explosion was very big and caused a lot of damage to the area around it After the explosion the dome made from the pressure build up caved in creating a caldera The first formation of these calderas was about 2 1 million years ago This was called the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff and it is over 60 miles across The second big eruption was about 1 3 million years ago This was called Henry's Fork Caldera The most recent eruption was about 640 000 years ago and created a caldera that is about 50 miles long and 35 miles wide This eruption led to the formation of the Lava Creek Tuff This explosion was so big it left ash stretching all the way from places such as Louisiana and California Yellowstone is widely known for its thermal and hydrothermal systems Water temperatures in Yellowstone can get as hot as 400 degrees Fahrenheit but can remain in liquid form due to all of the pressure 

This hot water dissolves silica which can coat geysers and help protect them against pressure Some of the geysers can become so hot that they seem as though they are just steaming features meaning they cannot erupt normally Another thing that happens a lot in Yellowstone is earthquakes Stress from volcanic activity and movements in the crust cause energy to be released and make earthquakes Some earthquake scan causes the ground to crack open or be displaced In Yellowstone earthquakes can be considered a good thing To keep features such as geysers and hot springs from getting covered with mineral deposit over time there has to be changes to the hydrothermal systems Yellowstone usually experiences multiple earthquakes in a short period of time This is due to changing of pressure and shifting of the Earth's crust The largest earthquake since the 1980 s was in 2014 where an earthquake of 4 8 magnitude occurred Considering Yellowstone has many calderas there has been a lot of damage to the atmosphere due to volcanic eruptions When the volcanoes erupt ash is thrown into the atmosphere creating ash clouds that can alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere People and animals that live in the states that Yellowstone stretches from are severely harmed by the toxic chemicals released into the air 

The ash in the air makes it very hard to breathe and can cause you to die Plants are smothered in ash and have no sunlight to survive due to the thick ash cloud Freshwater is polluted and cause animals to die from hunger and dehydration Luckily there has not been any mass extinctions from Yellowstone only short term deaths of plants and animals in the surrounding areas On March 1st 1872 it was decided that the land needed to be preserved and protected causing President Ulysses S Grant to sign into law that Yellowstone would be open as a public park This was the world's first national park Many people go to the park to admire its size and geological features Yellowstone is a fascinating place with a very interesting backstory and can be enjoyed by small children as well as adults Works Cited Staff How the Yellowstone Caldera Formed My Yellowstone Park 2 Oct 2013 www yellowstonepark com things to do how the yellowstone caldera formed Hydrothermal Systems National Parks Service U S Department of the Interior www nps gov yell learn nature hydrothermal systems htm Earthquakes National Parks Service U S Department of the Interior www nps gov yell learn nature earthquakes htm Hydrothermal Systems National Parks Service U S Department of the Interior www nps gov yell learn nature hydrothermal systems htm Yellowstone Caldera Yellowstone Geology yellowstone net geology yellowstone caldera The geology of Yellowstone National Park Part I Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris 12 Jan 2015 jacksonholewildlifesafaris com the geology of yellowstone national park part i Yellowstone National Park Wikipedia Wikimedia Foundation 22 Jan 2018 en wikipedia org wiki Yellowstone_National_Park History_2 Yellowstone Caldera Yellowstone Geology yellowstone net geology yellowstone caldera

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