Essay Example on You have a brand I get it But do people know you HAVE A BRAND









You have a brand I get it But do people know you HAVE A BRAND Let's chat a little bit about social media and building brands shall we Let's do it Social media has become all the rage nowadays It has become a staple for all businesses to have an online presence and that online presence defines how well your business is doing Contrary to popular belief while social media presence DOES NOT actually equal how well you re doing in the business industry it certainly contributes a lot Here are 5 sure ways to easily build and market brands using social media 1 CHOOSE THE RIGHT NETWORKS If you re not gaining an audience using a certain platform it just might not be your fault There have been numerous social media sites and apps clawing their way up to get fame with new ones popping up everyday 

It's tempting to register for all of them however that certain platform might not be for you Pick a platform or site that fits your business as well and is where your ideal client or target market hangs out If you re a publishing company Instagram defeats the purpose since they deal with visual content over there If you re into music a blogging platform might not work as well Do your research and pick a network that fits the way your business works 2 DON'T UNDERESTIMATE VISUAL BRANDING Visual play is a vital role in social media branding If your profile looks like they're owned by a different company it instantly disconnects your audience from you You want your branding to be consistent on ALL channels This will help people recognize your company no matter which platform theyre in Use the same logo avatar and stick to it on all your social media Your logo is the symbol that represents your company and changing it over and over defeats the purpose Also add your branding to your posts This way your audience recognizes you fast and you have an authority when you post 3 BE CONSISTENT Social media sites like Twitter or Facebook are very good for content curation Curating is a good process to help you build authority in your niche as well as give a steady flow of social media posts that aren't self promotional Looking for blog posts videos or other content to share with your audience is simple but many businesses go into it blindly without creating a strategy and this in turn hurts your brand 

Doing this random thing may result in a lot of random tweets or comments involving multiple topics and in turn defeats the purpose of niching down Pick only a few topics that are closely related to your industry Focus on the main areas of the business and find out what works 4 POST REGULARLY Nothing will kill social media branding efforts more than irregular scheduled posts If you only post or tweet once every few days or upload a picture once a month no one will see you and your brand will disappear Shortened attention spans combined with fast growing social networks have made publishing content more important than ever BUT remember to be posting content that is engaging your audience That makes them want to comment like share When they do engage make SURE you engage back The more regular you schedule your posts the more engagement you will have with your audience because they start anticipating the posts Even better NAME your posts A theme for everyday like Marketing Friday or Motivation Monday 5 ENGAGE WITH INFLUENCERS When companies like Nike or Coke post an ad or a new image on their Facebook page they instantly get tons of engagement Well that's basically because they re already established brands with millions of followers When you start out though you ll have a smaller audience than that When you publish content you won't get as much attention and engagement simply because no one knows you and your brand YET A good way to climb the social media ladder fast is to build a relationship with influencers in your niche Influencer marketing allows you to piggyback off the already established brand and get attention from his or her audience Since the influencer has already earned the trust of their followers and has a great foundation getting a mention or a re post from them will definitely get you some engagement There you have it 5 tips to build your brand using social media Of course there are many more ways to build and market yourself online but I wanted to give you a few golden nuggets to get you started if you weren't sure where to begin Good luck go and get after it Cheers

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