Essay Example on Advanced Cell Biology Research Article









Advanced Cell Biology Research Article Assignment Not accepted late Associated Reading Golgi maturation visualized in living yeast Losev E Reinke CA Jellen J Strongin DE Bevis BJ Glick BS Nature 2006 Jun 22 441 7096 1002 6 Epub 2006 May 14 Paper and supplements are available more conveniently on LATTE Note Questions 1 6 are worth 1 point and will be graded individually on good faith effort This means that you do not need to have the correct answer to get full credit but you do need to demonstrate that you carefully read the paper and tried to answer the question correctly Any of these questions could appear on any of the tests If they do they will be graded for correctness Question 7 is optional and will not be graded How to submit This assignment must be submitted online via Latte as a pdf or text document 1 What is the big question of this paper Not what is this paper about but what problem is this entire field trying to solve What is the nature of the early cis medial and late trans TGN cisternae and how do they mature 2 Summarize the background in five sentences or less Bullet points are ok Determine florescence of early Golgi proteins tagged with GFP and late Golgi protein with DsRed using S cerevisiae The Golgi Dynamics were examined using 4D microscopy using markers Sec7 for late cisternae and VRG4 for early cisternae 

The Maturation Mechanism was consistent through carboxypeptidase and visualized cisternal maturation by tagging both markers at the same time GFP withVrg4 and Sec7 with DsRed Future experiments will test the association between maturing cisternae and secretory cargo proteins 3 What is are the specific question s of this article i e what exactly are the authors trying to answer with their research Does the rate of cisternal maturation match the rate of protein transport o Was the composition of Golgi resident proteins changed over time when visualized individually o How are they going to use light microscopy so that they can distinguish individual cisternae o How were they going to fluorescently tag Golgi marker proteins that were highly expressed while not affecting the organelle 4 What experimental system and approach are they using 3D time lapse fluorescence microscopy of yeast S cerevisiae 5 Explain Figure 4 and S6 a Describe the experiment Radioactive pulse chase measurement with rapidly secreted protein in yeast Alpha factor was used to determine whether the experiments done were accurate and the maturation matched the rate of secretory traffic In the Alpha factor the core slowly disappeared at time went on and in the Carboxypeptidase Y the gel shows that as time went on the mature bands showed darker and darker bands 

b What question s do es this experiment help the experimenter answer Is there a speed difference between Golgi to cell surface transport and intra Golgi transport c What results are shown in this figure Be sure to explain the axes what is being depicted in the associated panels in the supplemental figure and the meaning of any variables A The Band intensity of max is the y axes and it is describing the band on figure S6 and how the core at 5 min was at 100 and then decreased to 0 by minute 10 And the maturity in figure S6 increased to 100 intensity by minute 14 x axes is chase time in minutes B For Carboxypeptidase Y even though is it less accurate showed a similar graph where band intensity of p1 is 100 from 0 2min and maturity reached around 80 by minute 40 For both graphs the red line indicated ER localized core and p1 and the blue dotted line indicated halftime disappearance and vacuole localized mature CPY d How do the results contribute to answering the question s you outlined in B These results indicate that Golgi to cell surface transport is in fact several times faster than intra Golgi transport which goes back to the original question of the paper which was the rate of cisternal maturation 6 Do the results of this paper help the answer the big question you outlined in 1 Why or why not Yes but to a degree it answers part of the big question of the rate of cisternal maturation which is a portion of the bigger question but more research needs to be done to actually answer the full question But this study will help forward the future research 7 Is there anything you'd like the presenter s to know or address during their presentation For example questions about terminology methods or results Great videos diagrams or other resources you may have found optional I thought P1 and p2 were poorly explained and think it would be interesting to maybe address more what they are and then reanalyze

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