554Refugees are people often from another country that leave their homes because of fear of staying Refugees have many challenges through their transition and even finding a way to transition The hardships Ha faces in the book Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai are very similar problems that real refugees encounter Ha is the main character and narrator in the book Inside Out and Back Again and she is a 10 year old child that lives in Vietnam in 1975 at the time of the vietnam war She and her family made an attempt to leave saigon before it was destroyed by the communists When trying to leave home she faced having little food and water and losing her father She and her family made it out alive and went to live in the United States and still had challenges like culture and discrimination Refugees usually experience very difficult challenges to face when leaving and finding home in the real world as well The Refugees likely have to deal with grief of losing family members when they are leaving In the book Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai Ha has to struggle with the loss of her father throughout the book and in the poem Birthday Wishes she writes wish father would come home so I can stop daydreaming that he will appears in my classroom 31 In this quote
The United States she is asked to say the English alphabet at English numbers and feels like she is being treated like a toddler She writes I feel furious unable to explain I already learned fraction and how to purify river water 156 This quote tells me that ha is unable to speak fluent English but desires to tell the class that she know how to do all of this and wants something more to learn so that she doesn t feel dumb Also in the poem wishes she states all the things she wishes to happen much like in birthday wishes She pens mostly is wish I were still smart 159 This quote gives me the suggestion that Ha feels like she is under everybody else in the academic area she feels like everyone is smarter than her and that she wishes for her to be at equip with them Ha relates a lot to the refugee's story in this quote the article Refugee and Immigrant Children it says At school they share with other adolescents the desire to be accepted by the peer group Colak Both Ha and real world refugees have experience the feeling of being lost war than everyone else