Essay Example on Cesar Chavez Human rights are rights which allow people to have Freedom









Cesar Chavez Human rights are rights which allow people to have freedom and do or have their own things Having human rights isn't a privilege it's not only this wealth class or this race is allowed to have human rights they apply to everyone around the world no matter their race ethnicity color or language etc It is important to defend these human rights because it allows people to have their freedom and not be restricted by the government for everything we do If we didn't defend human rights then life would not be the way it is today people would be treated unfairly and restricted from doing certain things A leader is someone who takes action and leads something Characteristics of a leader are commitment bravery and positivity No one would want a negative leader who always switched back and forth from helping their movement who isn't brave enough to take any actions for them Some characteristics it takes to fight for human rights would be the same as what it is to be a leader 

You need bravery and positivity with passion as well because all human rights activists like Nelson Mandela Martin Luther King Jr and Aung San Suu Kyi all showed these characteristics They were passionate in what they fought for they took risks and believed in what good can happen Cesar Chavez most represents the struggle for human rights for several reasons Some people may say that Mother Jones most represents the struggle for human rights but I disagree While both have done their own protests marches and other ways of gaining the rights they were fighting for such as Mother Jones speeches Cesar Chavéz has done bigger feats and laboring protests compared to what Mother Jones has done While both have done their own protests marches and other ways of gaining the rights they are fighting for such as Mother Jones speeches For example In March of 1966 Cesar Chavez began a 250 mile march or pilgrimage from Delano California to the California State Capitol in Sacramento Farmworker s Friend Cesar Chavéz 

This quote shows that Cesar Chavéz was willing to go the distance and start a long march such as this While Mother Jones may have done a march as well Cesar Chavéz was a much longer distance than her 125 mile march from Philadelphia to Sagamore Hill Cesar Chavéz was born to migrant worker parents on March 31 1927 near Yuma Arizona Before he was an activist Cesar would attend school as any other child would but did not receive education past the 8th grade and became a migrant farm worker During the time of Cesar Chavéz racism and segregation still existed and he experienced that throughout his life For example Chavez encountered the conditions that he would dedicate his life to changing such as racism corrupt labor contractors low wages for exhausting work and migrant camps Cesar Chavez This quote shows that Cesar Chavéz was treated unfairly and had a dreadful life because of being a migrant worker He experienced all these negative events in life but it all would lead up to his activism later on in life One reason Cesar Chavéz most represents the struggle for human rights is because he carried out marches boycotts and strikes to help gain national awareness for the migrant farm workers For example In the 300 mile march from Delano to Sacramento in support of the grape strike their starting group of 100 people from the National Farmworkers Association NWFA soon became 1 500 with journalists from all over the country swarming around them Cesar Chavez This quote shows that because of the large march which Cesar was involved in journalists from all around the country came to see them These journalists and rising number of participants in the march helped gain national attention to the march and to the grape growers who they were marching against Eventually their efforts in this month long march would cause the growers to be under pressure and eventually give in to the workers Another reason why Cesar Chavéz most represents the struggle for human rights is because he strongly stood against violence The boycotts strikes marches and other forms of protest where non violent under Caesar's leadership and he would show how devoted he is to that with his fasts For example In 1968 Cesar went on a 25 day fast meaning he only drank water to protest his own union and their increasing support of violence Cesar Chavez 

This quote shows that Cesar had problems with his own union and would go against them to support non violence The union was not always peaceful and friendly there would be conflicts between them and Cesar His stand for non violence is also helped gain awareness for his conflict against the grape growers Cesar Chavéz wanted to gain the rights for migrant workers but not in the name of violence Cesar Chavéz most represents the struggle for human rights for several reasons A world without human rights activists like Cesar Chavéz Harriet Tubman and many more would lack equality Many issues like segregation slavery or unfair working conditions of migrant workers could still exist The definition of integrity is to do what s right and tell the difference between what is right and wrong Cesar Chavéz standing up for what I believe in was very important because it was something that no other protest could do before him and that was to gain rights for migrant workers and go against the grape growers Without Cesar Chavéz the whole movement could have failed maybe they would have became violent and caused the time for grape growers to give in to be longer He was a key figure in the Delano Grape Strike Grape Boycott To conclude without Cesar Chavéz migrant workers might not have the rights and benefits they do today

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