Essay Example on Evaluation of conventional arbitrary facebow and modified Arbitrary








Evaluation of conventional arbitrary facebow and modified arbitrary face bow for orientation on completely edentulous and dentulous patients By Dr Ravi Teja Maddula Guided by Dr Padma Ariga Dr Vinay Siva Swamy Abstract Aim The aim of the study was to evaluate the time taken to the orientation of the conventional arbitrary facebow and modified arbitrary facebow on completely edentulous patients and dentulous patients Material and methods Ten clinicians with no experience in the orientation of the facebow were selected to orient the conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT on patients The values obtained were further compared with other Descriptive statistical analysis of variance scheffe post hoc analysis for group comparison and level of significance P was calculated using statistical package for the social science version 16 IBM New York USA software program Results Intragroup comparison of mean time taken values showed highly significant difference p 0 000 comparison between conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow

UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT showed statistically highly significant with a mean difference of 638 sec Conclusion Within the limitations of the study the modified arbitrary face bow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT showed a significant difference in the time taken by the clinician for orientation of the facebow Clinical significance The orientation of facebow is a crucial part of several techniques used in dentistry Face bow transfer in articulator acts as the baseline From which further steps for occlusal rehabilitation of the patients are carried out Introduction The maxilla mandible relationship isn t the same in all patients the anatomy of the maxilla and temporomandibular joint TMJ change from individual to individual A face bow gadget is utilized to enlist the 3 dimensional relationship of the maxillary dental curve to the Frankfort horizontal plane FHP or pivot hub orbital plane using either the patient's outside meatus or the condylar heads contingent upon the requirements of the face bow as the back audience Face bows that fuse earplugs have demonstrated better general execution One reference plane is the Frankfort plane otherwise called the FHP This standard craniometric plane passes the right and left portion and furthermore the orbital Since the portion is a radiographic point of interest not unmistakable in living subjects clinicians bolster utilizing the hub orbital plane as another plane This plane and the hard tissue Frankfort plane generally correspond called the pivot hub orbital plane Two focuses one on each side of the face are situated on the pivot hub 

The third point is situated on the face at the level of the orbital edge underneath the eye Auxiliary components can be joined to the face bow to help in the foremost arrangement utilizing the nasion or infraorbitale This face bow enlistment is exchanged to the articulator to position and mount the maxillary cast The mandibular cast is then mounted with an interocclusal record Natural Head Position NHP is the upright position of the head of a standing or sitting subject various investigations have observed NHP to be sensibly steady A current examination presented another the solid modernized technique for in vivo non obtrusive assurance of the 3 dimensional position of the occlusal plane with the head in NHP The motivation behind this study is to present a straightforward technique for changing over conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT intended to recreate the spatial introduction of the occlusal plane in respect to the genuine flat plane with the patient in NHP Recording cant of the occlusal plane into the genuine flat plane and exchange of this relationship to the articulator is essential to see the teeth in the true horizontal level plane Modification To convert conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT to modified arbitrary face bow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT we just need to place the additional component on the conventional face bow besides Tommy Screw with bubble spirit level BSL BSL construction is as follows 1 Bubbles are placed in central position bubble style levels are placed on the true horizontal plane Bubble style levels are used to find the true horizontal plane 2 While Bubble style levels show true horizontal plane a bubble indicator is placed beside the Tommy screw Material and methods 

Ten clinicians with no experience in the orientation of the facebow were selected to orient the conventional arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT and modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT on patients The subject sits in a chair with the head in NHP The face bow fork which was covered with putty Elite HD putty soft fast set Zhermack Italy is positioned in the subject s mouth Ear rods of the arbitrary UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT are used to locate the position of the external auditory meatus The operator rotates the modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT until the earplugs are centered over the external auditory meatus and then the assembly is centered and then the screws of the earpieces are closed While the subject is in NHP and the screw of the fork is closed the BSL is adjusted to the true horizontal plane and then the screw is closed Then the earplugs are loosened and the facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT is carefully removed Then the modified arbitrary facebow UTS 3D by IVOCLAR VIVA DENT is rotated in earplug axis until the bubble style levels indicate the true horizontal plane and then fixed in this position The time values obtained were further compared with other Descriptive statistical analysis of variance scheffe post hoc analysis for group comparison and level of significance P was calculated using statistical package for the social science version 16 IBM New York USA software program

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