Essay Example on I chose from the museum was a Greek helmet from 540 BCE








The object that I chose from the museum was a Greek helmet from 540 BCE 1 It s made from a single sheet of bronze and covers most of the head with a small plate that goes down the bridge of the nose 1 There are designs present on the brow and cheeks of the helmet The helmet itself is narrow and covers the entire head It is small in size so much so that one might wonder how it actually managed to fit over people's heads It seems that the helmet is smooth in construction besides the grooves in the brows of the helmet The helmet appears to cover the ears of the wearer 1 The description of the item says that a crest would have been attached to small holes within the helmet itself to afford to wearer additional protection 1 The bottom of the helmet also seems to extend to the wearers neck Most likely this helmet is made for military uses It is obvious that this was made during the bronze age when bronze was prevalent in all aspects of society but also was used to make weapons and armor 2 This armor tells us that the Greeks had some sort of a military and that the military was advanced enough to wear protection for its soldiers 3 This civilization must have had a reason to wear these helmets in their military and must have fought in wars 3 The craftsmanship is indicative of highly skilled bronze workers 2 The fact that the helmet is a single piece of bronze means that the workers put extreme care into the manufacture of each helmet carefully crafting the protective features of the helmet and carving out the symbols on the helmet 2 This can tell us that this civilization highly respected the work of the bronze workers since they are important to the military for making these armors and weapons and these armors must be fashioned with precision and care

2 We can tell that the armor smiths are trying to protect the vital organs of the soldier The helmet itself dips down to below the soldier's mouth this might be an attempt to stop the soldiers throat being attacked The helmet also covers the wearers ears 1 At first glance this might not make sense because it might impact the soldier s ability to hear but it might be possible that the smiths are trying to block access to vital organs of the body head throat etc This possibility is supported by the construction of the helmet itself There are few openings besides the eyes and a narrow slit through which to talk or breathe The rest of the helmet is solid bronze to afford the most protection for the soldier The symbols on the helmet can also tell us about Greek society From the markings on the helmet it can be concluded that this civilization is not entirely warlike 3 This conclusion can be made because of the careful etchings onto the helmet that are present 3 If Greece cared only for war their helmets might be simpler as to allow faster production of them However the fact that they have these intricate designs indicates that the Greeks had a system of social status 3 They wanted their soldiers to have symbols on the helmets to either inspire or look fearsome on and off the battlefield This theory holds even more weight when considering the missing crest of the helmet The social status of the soldiers could have been high up in society and the markings on their helmets are status symbols of soldiers 

3 The symbols might even have a religious meaning The designs might be an homage to one of the Greek gods perhaps to honor him her and ask for that god or goddesses aid upon the battlefield 3 Or this might be a general's helmet and that is why it is more decorated with additional carvings to designate seniority in the army rankings In order to learn about the past experts must use a number of ways to decipher what is going on in each society First off they must discover and translate any written primary sources found in the culture Nonwritten primary sources can also be used to interpret what is going on in a culture but written ones can be more informative of the inner workings of a society Next the historian can take primary sources from cultures surrounding the first culture and see if there are any mentions of the firs culture within the other culture This could possible confirm or deny some bias within the culture and can help piece together what that culture was really like Eventually the historian must be a detective and attempt to fit all of the pieces primary sources into a puzzle that makes logical sense given the time period other civilizations and many other factors to create a history of each group of people they've studied

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