Essay Example on LinkedIn employment strategies and Linkedin









Within the survey questionnaire companies were asked whether they ever were aware about Xroads Solutions Group LinkedIn employment strategies and Linkedin This question was asked to discover whether the respondents were aware of the different marketing strategies used by Xroads Solutions group on Linkedin Two respondents skipped this question as they were not aware of Xroads Solutions Group Whereas 66 67 of the respondents stated that Xroads Solutions group and the services they provide for employment on Linkedin had influenced their diversity levels They were then asked to explain what these other factors were Some stated it was the approach of Xroads to guide job seekers in seeking employment options Some of the respondents thought there have diverse options Whereas some respondents choose to skip as they were unaware about Xroads Solutions Group 6 4 Data Analysis Three Respondents surveyed were asked to state whether they believed that the use of social media as a recruitment tool in comparison to more traditional methods of recruitment has increased workplace diversity This question was highly important in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis of this dissertation that social media as a recruitment tool in comparison to more traditional methods of recruitment does increase workplace diversity in companies in UK From looking at the bar chart above it can be noted that 61 29 of the respondents surveyed stated that recruitment through social media in comparison to more traditional methods of recruitment has increased workplace diversity However these respondents also stated that social media as a recruitment tool is not the sole reason for this increase 

This information is important as it proves other factors have contributed to an increase in workplace diversity and will be discussed further in this chapter Some of the respondents surveyed 9 68 stated that social media as a recruitment tool is the sole reason for an increase in workplace diversity in comparison to more traditional methods of recruitment From looking at the graph above it is obvious that LinkedIn is deemed as an extremely important social media platform to utilise during the recruitment process with most of the respondents stating so None of the respondents stated that Facebook was extremely important in the recruitment process and only one respondent stated that Twitter was extremely important From looking at the graph it can be argued that respondents consider Facebook to be more important than Twitter in the recruitment process Twelve respondents deemed Twitter to be important in comparison to the eleven respondents who considered Facebook to be important Few respondents thought that Facebook was slightly important in the recruitment process in comparison to the other few that felt Twitter was Most critical is that fourteen of the respondents stated that Twitter has no importance in the recruitment process in comparison to a couple of respondents who stated Facebook has no importance Therefore as more respondents deemed Facebook to have a higher level of importance than Twitter it can be reasoned that according to respondents and different set of people LinkedIn is the most important social media platform to utilise during the recruitment process with Facebook having some level of importance and Twitter the least important out of the three platforms DIAGRAM 6 5 DATA Analysis no four Respondents were asked to state how cautious they are about the information they post on social media with regard to the impact it can have on their employability 

All of the respondents provided an answer to the question DIAGRAM Of the 75 Respondents 51 1 stated that they are extremely cautious about what they post publically and the impact certain posts may have on their employability About respondents 35 6 stated that they are sometimes cautious about what they post publically and the impact on their employability and a further few respondents 13 3 declared that they are never cautious and post whatever they like with no consideration for the impact that it may have on their employability This will be discussed further in the next chapter but it is important to note that this question ties in with the questions in survey CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSION To conclude this chapter analysed the data received from the surveys which collected the primary data needed The aim of this chapter was to provide an analysis of the findings through presenting and illustrating the findings of the surveys descriptively without drawing general conclusions

From the survey it can be noted that the majority of respondents use LinkedIn as their main platform of social media in the recruitment or job search process In contrast to this the majority of students and recent graduates surveyed stated that they are extremely cautious of what they post on social media and the implications certain posts may have on their employability An important finding within this primary data was that the majority of companies surveyed stated that recruitment through social media has led to an increase in workplace diversity which proves the hypothesis of this dissertation However the majority of companies that were surveyed also stated that social media was not the sole reason for this increase with the other contributing factors discussed in this chapter The next chapter which is the discussion will focus in depth on the findings of the survey

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