Essay Example on Moreover the integration of ICT in the Malaysian Context









Moreover the integration of ICT in the Malaysian context act as a collaborative support in students learning skills while developing the critical thinking In a study done by Umar and Hassan 2015 ICT integration in classroom has improved their teaching practice in classroom and resulted in an inclination of the students learning performance According to Ghavifker et al 2014 ICT is considered a key character as it is getting more recognition as a tool that help students progress in learning performance through collaborative skills and act as a value that enhance teaching and learning skills Accordingly many schools are upgraded with computers laboratories internet access smart white boards LCD and other ICT tools As asserted in the National Blueprint the issue of teachers skills and efficacy affected the implementation of ICT in the education system However the government and researchers are seeking for the factors that affecting the Malaysian teachers ICT usage in teaching and learning process while integrating this new approach According to Hussain Morgan and Al Jumeily 2011 the incompetence of teachers and inadequateness of hardware or software should be improved for the ICT culture at schools to be fully utilized Moreover the government focuses on several intentions while integrating ICT in classroom which are i 

To surround school with dynamic and innovative learning environment for students to become more motivated and creative ii To enable student to gain wider range of knowledge and be able to access to internet for developing a global outlook iii To nurture students with capabilities of processing information more effectively and efficiently iv To develop students with attitudes and capability of lifelong learning Thus with these aims as a framework ICT integration in Malaysian classroom is no longer alien in Malaysian education As discussed above ICT integration in Malaysian classroom is able to help students to become more effective in learning Moreover it is also practical to use ICT in classroom as today's learners are exposed to digital tools as early as 4 years old and considered as digital natives thus critical thinking at an early age can be developed by using ICT in Malaysian classroom In conclusion ICT is very pertinent as it provides lots of medium for the teachers and students to empower their teaching and learning process 3 0 TEACHERS AND ICT INTEGRATION IN THE CLASSROOM According to Lowther et al as cite din Fu 2013 there are three prominent characteristics needed to develop good quality teaching and learning with ICT which are autonomy capability and creativity The first element which is autonomy defines the ability of the students to work on their own learning by using ICT The teachers roles are facilitating the students learning 

Next capability indicates the students ability to apply and transmit knowledge at the same time learn how to use new technology Lastly ICT enhance the students creativity as new resources of learning are discovered and materials are made readily available or new materials can also be created Hence the integration of ICT can help to develop teaching and learning quality through assimilation of students autonomy capability and creativity However teachers knowledge and self efficacy towards the integration play prominent role to produce these qualities from the students learning According to Bitner and Bitner 2002 successful integration of ICT in classroom depends on a number of factors such as availability of funds dynamics lesson plans and decision on tools used Nevertheless these are not they key factors to students success or failure in ICT learning performance but rather the teachers skills believes attitudes perceptions opinions and personality and knowledge influence the ICT integration in teaching and learning Further studies in Seferoglu 2007 and Teo 2008 empirically supported the theory by stating that teachers computer self efficacy and their attitudes may possibly make an impact on their computer use in classroom It is important that the teachers perceived ICT as a good change in teaching and learning for them to sustain a successful lesson Significantly according to Eggen Kauchak 2007 as cited in Hong Tan Chai Hasbee and Ting 2014 self efficacy refers to individuals convictions and his ability to organize and complete a course of actions in order to accomplish a certain task 

Self efficacy does not relate to one's skills but more accurately a self perception of one's ability to perform Hence self efficacy affected their goals and amount of effort and time spent to persevering the challenges and difficulties Correspondingly ICT self efficacy is defined as ones judgment and ability to use computer and technology Compeau and Higgins 1995 as cited in Hong Tan Chai Hasbee and Ting 2014 It is believed that teachers who have high ICT self efficacy will be likely to utilize the tools more often in performing lessons Hong Tan Chai Hasbee and Ting 2014 Past studies found that teachers tend to have moderate level or low level of ICT integration skills and self efficacy

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