Essay Example on Newshour show how do humans gain power by sharing It









Newshour show how do humans gain power by sharing it The Dukes who Take Turns Power is gained through generosity in the case of both Prospero and Antonio while that same power is taken from both characters as a result of their abusing it This is illustrated by Dacher Keltner s explanation that people gain power by advancing the welfare of other people and displays Shakespeare s insight on the way a paradox of power allowed people of humbler means to rise in class and status at the time Early on in the play it is clear to see that generosity and advancing the well being of others were effectively used by Antonio as a means of rising to power in Milan The language used by Prospero in act 1 scene 2 leaves no doubt as to the effectiveness of the methods used by Antonio to rise to power in Milan He explains to his daughter the way Antonio Being once pèrfected how to grant suits gained his power The language being once pèrfected uses the word perfect to show that Prospero understands the perfection of Antonio s plans He comprehends that to grant suits to others is a perfect way to rise to power 

Suits in this context could also have some implications to the dress worn by nobles of which commoners are being granted in the time of The Tempest which points toward Shakespeare's use of class and status being contingent on clothing rather than birth In a paradox of power both Prospero and Antonio lose their power by abusing it In the text Prospero s own language shows he is aware that he is abusing his power when he says The government I cast upon my brother And to my state grew stranger By his choice of the word cast it is clear to see that rather than bestowing favors Prospero abuses his powers and cast a heavy burden onto his brother Later on in the play this same paradox is evident in Antonio s position of power Previously Antonio had used generosity to reach a position of power but when he abused this power he lost the very skills with which he gained power originally His intentions seem to transform from being the innocent and helpful ally to the corrupt usurper of power In addition to this his attitude seemingly becomes manipulative and overconfident in his speech to Sebastian Antonio s position of power makes him feel as though he can accomplish almost anything even assassinating the king of Naples He feels this power when he boasts And look how well my garments sit upon me Much feater than before My brother s servants Were then my fellows now they are my men Focusing on the way Antonio speaks about his newly acquired subjects it is easy to see that he now places himself far above them in their rank or status 

The words were then my Fellows transforming into now they are my men illustrates in Antonio Keltner s theory of newly acquired power Antonio believed at this point in the story that he was all powerful and instead of generosity places himself above those who were previously his equals What is clear next in the text is that Antonio s transformed view of power leads him to do an act which he is well aware is neither generous nor helpful in advancing the wellbeing of his ally Alonso When he says Twenty consciences That stand twixt me and Milan candied be they And melt ere they molest Here lies your brother No better than the earth he lies upon Antonio is well aware that his proposal is an immoral one and that proceeding with his plan would not be acting in good faith The phrase Twenty consciences That stand twixt me and Milan Melt ere they molest refers to Antonio s lack of moral direction in this situation If there were twenty consciences that stood between Antonio and Milan they would melt under his immoral desire to kill Alonso and his obsessive yearning for power At this point Antonio feels exactly what Keltner explains in his interview which is the very moment that one feels power their actions change from generous and helpful to overconfident Illustrated by both Prospero s and Antonio s actions this theory holds true and this paradox serves as a way to understand what happens when one ruler loses power while another gains it Note would it be alright if you took a look at the writing style of my possible thesis below and comment on what you think it addresses in terms of what is needed in a good thesis statement Maybe compare it to the thesis I chose

 Thanks Possible thesis Dacher Keltner s explanation that people gain power by advancing the welfare of other people is illustrated by Antonio s rise to power in Milan Once Antonio reaches the peak of his power he abuses that power and loses the benefits he gained through his generosity Possible ideas to discuss further Did Prospero learn from his mistake and Antonio s use of generosity as a means to gain power and is that why he was generous in the end to Alonso and the rest of the nobles I would have added this in my first paragraph but I didn't feel like getting into it at the time Both Antonio and Prospero gain power at different times through generosity and helping others only to lose their power illustrating Dacher Keltner s explanation that people gain power by advancing the welfare of other people Insight This shared theme in both sources displays Shakespeare s insight on the way the paradox of power allowed people of lower power to rise in class and status in England at the time Thesis

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