Essay Example on One of my favourite things is to look back at the successful Brands









One of my favourite things is to look back at the successful brands and unclutter the things that they have done right which gives them the chance of being noticed and preferred Some companies stand out through visual simplicity some through a strong branding strategy and some through frequent offers that seem too good to be true for their customers But what if it is just about selling bottles and every program that the company undertakes is completely sales oriented no rocket science at all What would be the preferable marketing strategy then The first thing that popped up in my mind when I read this was Advertising an alternative to buy your way through But is it really that easy to lease the short term attention span of the target audience to a product that disturbs people in the middle of their work According to L Jeffrey Zeldman 95 percent of people don't like being interrupted and the other 5 percent hate it We hate advertising so much that we've trained ourselves not to look at the top or right sidebar on most sites says Jeffrey Inspite of this staggering number to be true there must be something that Manoj Bhargava s 5 Hour Energy is doing right that makes the rainbow colored bottle to not only overshadow its competitors in the energy drink category but to become the category in itself According to one estimate Americans buy some 9 million 5 Hour Energy bottles a week making for 2015 sales of 1 2 billion Not only this even an American non user would be able to tell you what a 5 Hour Energy shot is Wondering why 

That's because Bhargava does 4 things right that makes him a multibillionaire and the richest Indian in America Read On 1 He says It is the innovator rather than the inventor who leads There is a subtle difference between Invention and Innovation When Manoj Bhargava introduced 5 Hour to the market in 2004 energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster were already capturing more than half of the market share So it was not an Invention as such But was it a great innovation Absolutely From its inception Bhargava knew that when it comes to drinks consumers are looking for more than just deliciousness and that s what the product gives an energy boost of 200 milligrams of caffeine an equivalent of a 12 ounce tall size Starbucks dark roast coffee But if the drink has such a high portion of caffeine chances are that a consumer can easily replace 5 Hour Energy with a cup of coffee Well Not Really That s because of price and convenience issues Since 5 Hour Energy roughly costs around 5 it becomes easier to take the drink rather than a morning cup of coffee When everyone asks Bhargava how did you do that He says we weren t that smart We just didn t do dumb stuff and that pretty much differentiated us from all other corporations 2 Targeting the new user beyond core demography Targeting the right audience has become a norm and that is because of the ever evolving and competitive topography of the marketing landscape The amount of targetable behaviours is in hundreds but to identify and have a solid understanding of what are the possibilities is the major catch When Manoj Bhargava came up with an idea of Energy Shot other competitors like Red Bull and Monster were majorly targeting the teenage boys who fall short of energy and need to be alert without crashing Knowing the energy blend of the product Bhargava thought of taking the product to not just the usual section of people but to go beyond it

5 Hour Energy aimed towards all the energy sapped adults from the division of truckers and the traders of Wall Street to the employees who were trying to meet the deadlines and the hungover students Selling them on the idea of a quick fix jolt where taste was hardly the point proved to be far more profitable for 5 Hour Energy so much so that in eight years the revenue went up from nowhere to 1 billion in retail sales and gave Bhargava a fortune 3 Multi faceted Marketing Marketers often have a delusional perception towards multi faceted marketing and that's because there are high stakes of only some distribution channels to work out The downticks force marketers to think in terms of uncertainties which come in between the limitless potential of the multi faceted nature of the market Ironically this specific marketing helped Bhargava to understand the key channels that took his business to newer heights From TV advertising to retail promotions from magazines to the counter of every gas station and grocery store nationwide 5 Hour Energy was everywhere For a TV commercial 5 hour booked a slot on Fox Turner and ESPN and went for platforms like NFL and NASCAR to increase the purchase from retailers However the company had a soft corner for NASCAR platform as it gave direct marketing to the product It s media exposure on TV When you see your logo going around the racetrack that s enticing something that a Football cannot offer That s a commercial says Rise Meguiar 5 Hour Energy Vice President of Sales According to MWR s marketing team Each time a retailer s logo was on Bowyer s No 15 car it represented 100 000 to 1 000 000 in incremental purchases from 5 Hour Energy Henceforth Multi faceted marketing gave 5 Hour Energy not only a larger viewership but also made the brand an obvious choice among the energy deprived Americans.

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