On the other hand they should let the customer know that they appreciate their business by offering value added services and products For example by creating a mailing list and ask each customer for their contact information This is to show them that they want the customer to feel that they appreciate them for purchasing their product at the store and also to let them know about what they are up to Besides Padini Store should always remember that every customer is looking for an experience and not just only the product When the customer are satisfy with the product they purchased they keen to share the brand with their family and friends This will also help to increase the company sales When employees see themselves as working for Padini Store they might not feel that they owe you something other than the work they are paid to perform Padini Store should teach their employees a new mindset they are president of their company a professional services firm They work for themselves In that scenario customers will benefit from excellent service and the employee will push to increase their quota The employee's success in the company gets tied to the ability to improve the company customer s satisfaction 3 Event or Product Endorsement A company can build an identity through the events it sponsors Everyone know that broadcast like TV programmes can attract the customers to purchase the company product Most of the customer would like to watch TV during their free time and at the same time they also like to take the actor or actress as their image role model Thus if Padini Store can successfully sponsor the costume to the actor or actress on the TV programmes and at the same time can attract the customer to purchase their product This will lead to Padini brand to become more popular
An endorsement event is only effective to the extent that it generates more revenues brand awareness and sales than it cost One of the ways of minimizing the cost of the endorsement event is to have the celebrity take photos wherever they are The celebrity can then post the photos on his or her social media platforms This strategy makes the endorsement event more authentic which in turn increases the reliability and credibility Giving customers a unique experience at your store can help bring more people in the door and ideally boost sales Holding a holiday party a themed event or a class can be a way to entertain or educate clients about the store products or services If the event is successful you can count on more people coming to the next one making this a powerful promotional idea for retail stores If done correctly holding events is one of the more effective ways to demonstrate customer appreciation 4 Social Media The easiest and most cost effective way that Padini Store should do is involved in the social media such as Facebook Twitter Instagram and other social media By posting any event the store is having can also increase the sales of the store
This is because social media today is the most powerful way to get the customer to notice For example by posting on the social media about the store new arrival the customer will immediately know that if there is a new arrival products that arrived on online e commerce or even any sales throughout the year Make sure that the store have a steady stream of activity online This is because if the customer who see a flurry of activity from the store and then periods of silence know that the store are only online because sales are down In addition Padini Store can use the social media tie in store and online content together This is because once the customers are in the store it will be great if they shared their experience with their networks Besides getting people to Tweet their locations or upload selfies with their latest purchases is not terribly challenging However you can certainly take advantage of the practice by tossing a branded hashtag into the mix