Essay Example on Self Efficacy and Self Regulation Student Progression








Self Efficacy and Self Regulation Student progression in school relies on proficient teachers that can create comfortable and exciting learning environments These teachers help Elementary students learn better by establishing self confidence motivation and behavior that is situational and personal to all types of students These learning skills that are incorporated by the teacher are better known as self efficacy and self regulation In particular this essay includes how both roles relate to learning correlate together in the learning process and consist of strategies that promote positive aspects First of all when thinking of a healthy learning environment for a student a teacher would have to be incorporating self efficacy or motivation and self regulation using developed skills and behavior techniques overtime in the classroom Self efficacy helps a student stay engaged throughout a lesson to the extent of positive thoughts feelings and personal life experience correlations This can also be motivation and self confidence which are maintained in the classroom by the teacher when students work together to understand a topic because of same dialect For example when students help one another learn they provide scaffolding for one another s efforts and thus tend to have higher self efficacy accomplishing challenging tasks Ormrod 409 Self regulation then helps a student comprehend the thoughts and feelings any situation can have and turn it into a behavior that the mind thinks is necessary and has learned through experience

This is important because the ramifications for self regulation permit too many possibilities for an educator to ignore students will need explicit instruction to develop critical thinking skills so that a learner may find their niche in the world Bennett 3 To incorporate this into the classroom teachers explain the events and effects of all types behaviors through examples that trigger an individualized students past life experiences Next self efficacy and self regulation work together in the classroom because they both exhibit a student's decision making process and the use of past experiences and foreign experiences to better understand school material For example a teacher shows her students how to add and subtract with beans on each of their desks and a worksheet to complete All the students that get all the answers correct the first time around receive a reward This involves self efficacy because all the students are motivated to receive the reward Self regulation is involved because the students are working for a reward and they are also doing math equations at the same time Another way they work together is 

From the grade two to grade eight levels teachers would introduce students to Baumeister and Vohs concepts for self-regulation by setting a standard monitoring environmental and motivation Bennett 3 4 If students don't stay motivated in some way either through likeness to a topic or experience on that topic and if they aren't capable of multi-tasking or observing behavior in all aspects of life and executing the observed behavior they will have a hard time keeping up with academic standards It is very hard for motivation and self-confidence to work when students aren t able to learn at the age-based level

Lastly self-efficacy and self-regulation consist of strategies that promote these roles positively in students Following are the three strategies that promote positive motivation and self-regulation in third graders Complimenting students that resemble behavior that contributes to the learning environment like 

Thank you, John, for standing in line quietly which creates a domino effect in the other students to do the same thing Another strategy is allowing students to make mistakes and to learn from them or produce better results This creates a comfortable environment for students to stay self-motivated and level headed The final strategy is sticking to a daily and timely schedule with the students so that the consistency helps create positive routines and structure organization in third graders learning progression As this study shows if mathematics educators want to enhance students mathematics achievement they may need to consider motivational factors along with learning strategies rather than considering each factor in isolation Fadlelmula 1372 With these strategies a third-grade teacher can promote these positive roles to help the student adapt and grow in the public school environment

To summarize self-efficacy and self-regulation do relate to elementary student learning to complement each other with teacher involvement and can provide positive strategies for teachers specifically third-grade teachers Because of teachers incorporating motivation self-confidence and multi tasking in their lesson plans students are able to grow academically Students are able to enjoy school more when teachers can individually provide comfortable and encouraging environments References Ormrod Jeanne Ellis 2014 Educational Psychology Developing Learners Upper Saddle River New Jersey Pearson Education Bennett M 2014 Student Attitudes within Education Making Self Regulation a Practical Habit in Learning Fadlelmula F Cakiroglu E Sungur S 2015 Developing a Structural Model on the Relationship among Motivational Beliefs Self Regulated Learning Strategies and Achievement in Mathematics International Journal Of Science Mathematics Education 13 6 1355 1375

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