Essay Example on Stress is the negative emotion Felt









Stress is the negative emotion felt when an individual is not able to keep with the demands from his or her environment Lazarus Folkman 1996 Stress can also defined as the process by which a person responds when exposed to external or internal problems and challenges As the person undergo a process to coordinate such adaptive responses on both cellular and systemic level stress has direct effect corollary to the cognitive and entire function of the body Essel Owusu 2017 In addition stress is the major dilemma for college students as they face academic personal and social pressure Deckro et al n d Causes Stepping a foot in college and obtaining new responsibilities in life causes stress to the students A study was conducted to determine the cause of stress among Filipino students and the five overall stressors were academic difficulty of subject matter workload due to subjects time management because of subjects responsibilities due to being on one's own and time management because of both subjects and organizations Dy Santo Ferido Sanchez and The increasing class workload stresses students in a sense that they get frustrated and were not able to focus when they need to do things more than they could handle Students will have incessant their schedule with class workload to be able to attain a good grades but because there are too much work to manage students often mess everything up Specifically when there are a lot of homeworks to do after having a long tiring day from school makes students more muddled 

Also as every student aspire to excel on their chosen degree in such matter that high grades mean a lot to them but failure on fulfilling it causes their motivation to when down And once this happens students tend to over think about the things they missed or what they have done to have a failing grade but most of the time students were not able to find the answers to those questions Essel Owusu 2017 Education is a pursuit of a perfect life Dewey n d but the school teachers and parents normally use academic attainment as a standard for evaluating student s performance at school The high expectations because of this standard cause an increase on stress among students Cheng 1999 Also the incapability to manage your time properly is another source of stress with students Campbell and Svenson 1992 It is functional to start and finish the workload before the deadlines students can allocate the bigger task into smaller ones and do the small tasks on a uniform schedule On the contrary students disregard this strategy and find themselves stress about the deadlines Brown 1991 The avoidance of complying on the task that needed to be accomplished and dwelling to more pleasurable things is very common among a lot of students Procrastination as they say is the thieve of time is the manner of doing unimportant errand than the pressing ones Essel Owusu 2017 Effects A research about college students has shown that the increase of stressor is associated with anxiety and depression The level of stress that college students encounter has been a documented as the trigger to suicidal idealization and hopelessness Stress also influence the physical health of the students it is now widely believed that it is the source of disease such as headaches sleep disturbance and common cold Deckro et al n d 

The excessive amount of stress that students acquire affects them academically that prompt them to have a poor school performance Essel Owusu 2017 They also experience physical and psychological reactions such physical impairment lack of energy loss of appetite or gastrointestinal problems Winkelman 1994 Also academic stress leads to sleep deprivation And when a person is lacking with sleep their brain behave as if a severe danger is present and they result to nervous and panicking manner Sleep deficient can also cause nausea and heart palpitations Seung Schik Yoo et al 2007 The responses of stress can be categorized as behavioural cognitive and physiological depending on one's age financial status social support gender and other related variables Larkin 2005 First behavioural responses are classified as avoidance substance abuse eating disorders irritability aggression inactivity regression behaviour o changes in sleeping pattern McLaughlin Christner 2009 Second the cognitive response tackles on how people assess the stimulus its importance and available coping mechanism It inflicts pessimistic ways like worrying catastrophic thinking poor concentration selective attention thought blocking rumination hopelessness and feelings of incompetence Larkin 2005 Lastly the physiological response to stress is defines increase in arousal or activation as the body reacts to stress Campbell Ehlert 2012 Its effects are decrease in the immune functions making the person susceptible to diseases an upset stomach headaches exhaustion difficulty in breathing trembling stuttering rapid weight loss or gain Busari 2012

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