Essay Example on Teen and Child Behavior








Teen and Child Behavior Today many teenagers and children behave irresponsibly and often like to follow modern society s example There are many reasons for this they include but are not limited to parental issues peer pressure drugs and alcohol Parenting plays a very large role in a child's behavior Many children are not given proper boundaries this alone may change a child's whole life When children do not have set boundaries they will try to push the limits If there are no limits children will keep pushing until the parent s has lost control of them Often children with no limits or discipline have low standards for social groups and education as well Many parents neglect their children this has many negative effects When neglected by their parent s most children have nobody to turn to for advice and guidance This may lead to a child being antisocial which could span from the child not properly engaging with others to a child growing up using violence and disrespect to get their way Once a child is set on this unhealthy path they will continue to follow it Child abandonment is also a major issue When children are neglected and abandoned their behaviors are not guided They often fail to control their emotions which can have many different effects Emotionally unstable children often become disrespectful and or stressed this is because they never had a parent to guide and support them Social media presents many negative effects on mental health for teens and children Social media is not always a bad thing but it can really interfere with a child's life Many people adults included compare themselves to others on social media causing them to feel envy When young people see posts they see fictional lives with no problems

Once they think that others have perfect lives they envy them and may become depressed over something that doesn't exist Bullying on social media is also a huge problem Teens are mostly affected by this as younger children typically do not have social media Many teens are bullied for different reasons but they all share one thing in common mild to severe depression Many teens around the world have even committed suicide because of bullying online and offline Another problem with social media is kidnapping Parents think that keeping their children inside is safer that is not always the case Many teens are willing to friend and follow others online often trying to gain the most followers Most are trying to become more popular but there are many teens out there who are willing to give out personal information to complete strangers Predators and kidnappers take advantage of this and track these teens down Bullying is another major problem it has caused many teens and children to become depressed have lower performance in the classroom have suicidal thoughts and even continue on to commit suicide Many parents fail to realize just how much bullying can affect their children

Many see bullying as the stereotypical threatening for lunch money however it is much more complicated The saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me is sadly incorrect actually verbal abuse may at times have a greater effect than physical abuse When children are excluded or humiliated they often start to show signs of depression and they are less engaged in classwork Many children also start to feel worthless and unwanted If this continues they will lack in social skills setting them up for failure When children feel threatened this may become even worse The effects of bullying may go far beyond childhood changing lives for the worse forever There are many reasons for why teenagers and children behave the way they do Most issues start with parenting, for example, no boundaries lack of control neglect and abandonment If a child has good parents many things may still go wrong Social media while not always a bad thing is one of these many things Teens and children often see better lives than their own and become envious Many people are also bullied on and off the internet this can also set them up for failure Works Cited, Pike Brian

The Effects of a Lack of Parental Control LIVESTRONG COM www livestrong com article 1005944 effects lack parental control Ikpa Uche Consequences of Child Abandonment and Neglect Cambridge Community Television 14 Nov 2013 www cctvcambridge org node 201904 Abrams Allison Mental Health and the Effects of Social Media Psychology Today 5 Mar 2017 https www psychologytoday com blog nurturing self compassion 201703 mentaL health and the effects social media Pappas Stephanie Cyberbullying on Social Media Linked to Teen Depression Live Science 22 June 2015 https www livescience com 51294 cyberbullying social media teen depression html Gamble Helen Social Media and Kidnapping Kidguard 6 June 2017 https www kidguard com prevent child abduction kidnapping and missing children what risks do children face today social media and kidnapping Bullying Find a Psychologist https www findapsychologist org category healthcare topics issues bullying

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