289The information exchange among the consumers and marketers is one of the successful relationship tools The main point in this information is that what is give and what is receives Information has increase value of customer offering and market should affect the consumer s perception Jordaan Mar 2013 Consumer privacy offers how stake holders involved to protecting consumers from privacy Suggestion on preventing consumer privacy violation that have been both recommended and implemented in the past focus strongly on regulations laws and privacy policies Only rarely has the use of market driven mechanisms been proposed to support the development of responsible database marketing Li 2010 Advances in technology an increase in the demand for information and the declining effectiveness of traditional media Database Marketing s ability to target specific customers its ability to individualize and personalize messages its measurability and its potential to build loyalty through dialogue with customers Maurice Patterson Dec 2010 Ethics in business has focused on the ethical behaviours of marketing professionals including that of marketing researchers marketing executives advertisers purchasers salespersons and retailers Singh 2009 A number of consumer privacy concerns with regard to direct and database marketing have been identified such as information privacy physical interaction privacy and accuracy Lack of consensus with regard to the definition of privacy has resulted in complications in terms of operationalizing the concept Younghoon Chang 2013 Commercial utilization of personal information is compounded if inaccuracies in that information result in negative consequences for them
The problem is that as direct marketers handle greater volumes of information the likelihood of errors being made may rise Maurice Patterson Dec 2010 privacy issue can be redressed in different networks and sites for research on disclosure and privacy in computer mediated communication To redress the negative effect of privacy attitudes on information sharing previous studies provide that social network sites should improve transparency and clarity through the privacy policy and by allowing privacy control of different personal domains Previous researchers have proposed that users may be more prepared to provide personal information to websites and network that have privacy policies but that providers are less likely to share their data when they are also required to submit personally identifiable information such as name and address and other basic information Fred Stutzman 2010 Privacy has been explained as the limits to control the process through which a person manage and control how and when and up to which level information about them is managed and communicated to others The maintenance of customer database is a basic right of person and organization regarding information revealing saving missing maintaining abusing and forwarding through internet and online applications web sites and search engines etc Seliaman 2016 the privacy issues online effect that because of the privacy concerns and data information abuse online of the data providers on the Internet effects the online purchasing behavior of the person and people now become hesitant or reluctant to some extent in their buying behavior because of privacy concerns Nuno Fortesa 2016 Zhenhui
Jack Cheng Heng Ben C F 2010 provides that even in presence of the privacy concerns and in observance of privcay issues people are still ready and approaching towards the sharing of their private confidential and secret information with others including organization and different networks Filipe Manuel Paulo and Hélder 2014 presents that the information privacy is considered as the major barrier for database marketing Ulicney 2011 proposes that if organization and networks create relation of trust and make policies to manage the information privacy in marketing their activities people tends to provides the information online or to e commerce businesses in response to that relationship Noori 2012 classifies the database marketing into two forms i e customer base database marketing and business base database marketing
He further provides that in customer base marketing organization tends to market their products and activities to customers and to business in business base database database marketing The use of database marketing has become very substantial part for businesses who possesses large databases of the information of potential and present customers with whom they have direct or indirect interaction Gladson Nwokah Juliet Gladson 2012 If consumers are concerned about commercial utilization of their personal information then this concern may be compounded if inaccuracies in that information result in negative consequences for them The problem is that as direct marketers handle greater volumes of information the likelihood of errors being made may rise This is clearly a cause for concern within the industry Ensuring accuracy is important and can facilitate the building of consumer relationships The establishment of a relationship with the individuals on a database and the development of that relationship can be greatly helped by maintaining a correct record of activity and characteristics which can be used as intelligent segmentation factors Smith 1994 The point is that if companies are going to use personal details for marketing or other purposes then the onus is upon them to ensure that the information they hold is correct and so their treatment of consumers cannot be prejudiced by inaccuracies