Essay Example on The iron cage revisited Institutional isomorphism and collective Rationality









In my analytical framework interpretation the main concepts and research findings covered in Paul J DiMaggio and Walter W Powell s The iron cage revisited Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields 1983 is that bureaucracy and homogenous thinking is growing in organizations because of this rational order is an iron cage that people have been locked in to Organizations are becoming more alike rather than more efficient According to Walter and Powell 1983 after research they came up with three similar processes for the organizational isomorphic called coercive mimetic and normative According to Walter and Powell 1983 the coercive process is described as when an organization gets pressure from other organizations to do something and conform the mimetic process is leading by example it is when organizations imitate each other and the normative process is when employees in the organization execute tasks similarly The organization I am apart of is The Multi Cultural and Identity Center s at Wright State University In The Multi Cultural and Identity Center there are many different centers We have the Women's Center Latin Affairs Asian and Native American Center and the Bolinga Black Cultural Resource Center I have worked at The MultiCultural and Identity Center s for three years and directly in the Women's Center for two years Having worked at the centers for years and doing research 

I have learned so much about each center The Women s Center is a safe space that offers support programing resources and advocacy The center offers leadership development and training opportunities for individuals to prepare them for the world they also encourage the success of women queer gender fluid and other groups They make recommendations to improve policies and procedures at Wright State The Women s Center also has a lot of programming to help uplift and empower women The Latino Affairs helps Latino and Latina students find their support on Wright State's campus The staff at the center focuses on the recruitment and retention of Latin students They also offer support resources and events like La Comida event every Friday The Asian and Native American center has programs and activities like lecture series cultural celebrations and leadership programs One of the main functions of the Asian and Native American center is to offer support services for the success of Asian and Native American students The center also raises awareness about Asian and Native American issues and supports all cultural events The Bolinga center offers academic advising computers with free printing a library that students can barrow books from and tutoring services The Bolinga center also has a lot of different programs The Uijima mentoring program MLK march civil rights pilgrimage and Kwanzaa Fest The main concepts and research findings covered in Paul J DiMaggio and Walter W Powell s The iron cage revisited Institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields 1983 apply to my organization in a few ways According to Walter and Powell 1983 homogenous thinking is growing in organizations and it kind of is in my organization 

For example when the Asian and Native American center felt that they were being underrepresented they started to complain about it and I noticed the other centers started to feel the same Some of the Asian and Native American center workers told students that they should email administrators about their complaints so that their voices could be heard Soon after Boilinga hosted their end of the year Food for Thought program Where they give three meals in one day to students During the event the students were notified that this would be the last Food for Thought event The students were devastated and the Bolinga center did what the Asian and Native American center did and told students to email administrators Also according to Walter and Powell 1983 the coercive process is when an organization gets pressure from other organizations to do something and the normative process is when employees in the organization execute tasks similarly In my organization the Latino Affairs recently got moved into the multicultural center The Latino Affairs felt some pressure from people and the university so they moved to the multicultural center Also in my organization my supervisor has been wanting to do different things at the Asian and Native American canter for a long time but because of her older supervisor the director who had been in the organization for years did not want to change anything in the center nothing ever got changed Recently the director retired and we got a new director who is more innovative and looking to change things like my supervisor My supervisor and the new director have a few similarities like cultural education and the innovative ideas they have for the center According to Walter and Powell 1983 their research has been proven and applies in my organization and I agree with the conclusion

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