Essay Example on The philosopher looks at Both









The philosopher looks at both and them and says You re both wrong the only thing we as humans know is that there are five cows in Scotland that are brown on one side the side that we saw Astonished the mathematician and engineer are out of words to say to the philosopher This explains philosophy The most essential thing in philosophy is not taking anything for granted and thinking of things in a way that is out of the box taking everything into consideration and most importantly not being ignorant of different possibilities That is what I would call an extremely rational investigation on a subject that is beyond the reach of science The reason why I would use this method to explain philosophy to someone who doesn't know is due to the ability to relate The person on the other end can understand this complex subject in a way that is more relaxed and easier to digest Through this story I didn't have to use any definition or terminology to explain this area of study Instead I gave an example which would unveil the difference in the thinking of a philosopher and other people at question Secondly I would try and seek answers to questions that most philosophers spent almost their entire life thinking about If a person comes up to me and asks me to explain what philosophy is in words I would instead turn the questions towards them I would begin by asking them whether they believe God exists the meaning of life what is the best form of government why do innocent people suffer and so on It is highly likely that the person will have the answer to all my questions since we all as human beings have opinions and are entitled to it 

For instance when asked whether God exists or not a religious person would not be hesitant and would answer yes to my question right away however on the contrary an atheist person might disagree with the fact that God exists Now there is no right and wrong answer to this question both of these people will have their own valid arguments as to why they gave such an answer Similarly during this question and answer session Socrates dialectic method I would explain to them that philosophy is based entirely on the code of values and beliefs by which a person lives Soccio 2016 Anyone can ask philosophical questions regardless of whether they are known as philosophers or not This would explain what philosophy means the love of wisdom Anyone who wants to gain wisdom can engage in philosophical questions ask themselves the meaning of different things and why they exist or why things happen Why do people suffer does might make right Moving on the primary areas of philosophy which include metaphysics epistemology ethics social and political philosophy There are a lot more areas however I will be putting a spotlight on these 4 areas only Firstly metaphysics is the study of what we can also call the ultimate reality This area of study will put emphasis on questions about reality that go beyond ordinary science Questions in this area involve the relationship between the mind and the body the existence of supernatural things free will personal immorality and the nature of being Soccio 2016 Examples of metaphysical questions include Can there be things that exist that are not in time Can there be necessarily existent entities Must anything that exists have intrinsic properties Is space real or merely just an illusion and Does the physical universe depends upon the existence of an immaterial creator 

All in all metaphysics can be described as an area of philosophy that puts emphasis on questions that include concepts of being existence as well as reality Secondly epistemology is an area that raises questions about knowledge its nature and origins and the answer to whether or not it is possible to an extent Soccio 2016 Questions in this branch of philosophy include the source of our knowledge the standards of evidence truth belief and the gradation of knowledge memory and perception Epistemological questions would include Is it possible to have knowledge at all Does our knowledge represent reality as it really is and Does reason provide us with knowledge of the world Therefore this branch of philosophy highlights the theory of knowledge logical discourse Thirdly ethics is the area that studies moral problems practical reasoning virtues and vices good and bad right and wrong character moral duty issues that are related to nature origins and scope of moral values Soccio 2016

According to the book it is also not uncommon to see ethicists specialize in different areas namely medical ethics business ethics environmental ethics academic ethics issues regarding ethnicity and gender and the nature of a good life Questions relating to this branch include is it considered stealing if I take pens from a bank or if I get extra napkins from a restaurant Is it unfair to move into better seats at a sport event Is it okay for me to fantasize about someone else when I am with my spouse Ethical issues also involve things like relativism and universality Lastly social and political philosophy puts emphasis on the origins of different states as well as their nature the exercise of power sovereignty the effect social institutions have on individuals ethnicity gender social status and the strengths and weaknesses of the different types of societies Examples of social and political questions include Should there be a government What kind of government should we have What should the social world be like All in all social and political philosophy puts a spotlight on social philosophy studies questions regarding social behavior and political philosophy puts emphasis on topics such as liberty politics justice property law and rights

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