Essay Example on The possible ways of building brand relationships








Major highlights of the article The article explains the possible ways of building brand relationships without concentrating on the social media platforms for advertisements The article depicts that more engagement is required to develop a brand This kind of engagement entails developing relationships with the customers and this requires consideration of different strategies The methods involve going back to the basic developing real conversations offering customers with goods and services that are not transitional and building long term loyalty with the customers Friedman 2017 states that more engagement is required to ensure that the brand is different from other brands especially those in the social media According to the article going back to basics shows the need for individuals to find the real issues in the marketing sector and recognize the challenges such as competition The individuals should then come up with brands that can adapt to the environment Developing real conversations entails meeting the customer and trying to listen to their opinions as well as their preferences of brands they want to see in the markets On the other hand offering something that is not transitional requires that brands that hardly change under the different negative influence in the marketing sectors be developed Friedman 2017 Finally the article explains that developing long term loyalty with the customer is a step that involves ensuring that the customer does not change their mind It also entails focusing on providing products that satisfy the customer s needs

The author describes the need for developing brands putting into consideration their impacts on the needs of the customers The article closely looks at the marketing sector and it puts into consideration the relationship between brand performance and marketing Generally the article bases its arguments on why online marketing cannot be the best option if a wrong strategy is used What I learnt from reading the article The article shows that building a brand is not something that can get accomplished through simple engagement rather it needs more input For instance the marketers will always need to learn more about their customer s preferences and develop brands that satisfy their needs Also the brands designed should be able to give long term services to the customers and ensure that there is a long term relationship between them Customers are the primary beneficiaries and they determine the type of brand developed However they do not determine the competitions in the market sector Marketers need to ensure that they monitor the customers closely and always get in touch with them They should also gather their views on different issues Developing a brand relationship calls for strategies that are well outlined and attract the attention of the customer towards a given brand It is the work of the marketing section to know what their customers need and ensure all the brands produced are in line with the users expectations As such the marketing section is duly responsible for any mistake that leads to a mismatch in brands and the customer s expectations Furthermore I learned that coming up with brands should be done in such a way that it satisfies the needs of the customer for a long duration

The marketer should be cautious not to develop brands that are short term so as not to end up losing their customers when their products fail to meet their requirements Besides that as a brand developer it is expected that I become loyal to the customer and always be ready to attend to their needs since this is a requirement in the marketing environment Relevance of the article to classwork The article explains the tips expected in marketing brands by any business agency Because of this the book is relevant to the textbook used in the class Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism The information is depicted in chapter 16 of the book and it comprises the topics of Direct Online Social Media and Mobile Marketing The article relates to these class work in that it explains what should be expected in the marketing sector and how individuals need to develop effective methods of marketing their brands Recommendations to service organizations Organizations need to change the practice of concentrating on producing brands that satisfy their frequent customers As opposed to this they should develop a brand that is all inclusive to attract more customers in the market Also service organizations should avoid dwelling too much on competing amongst themselves and resort to providing unique services that will satisfy the needs of the customers differently The market sector should be treated specifically by this organizations The organization should also come up with strategies that beneficial and have a long term impact on the performance of an enterprise All the enterprises should ensure that the methods of marketing used by the organizations are all around For instance the agencies should not only concentrate on online marketing They should as well use other platforms other platforms such as organizing events and meetings where they can directly interact with their customers and gather views from them The enterprise therefore should get to learn about the possible ways they can improve their brands to meet customers needs and expectations

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