Essay Example on The Summary of Socialism








The Summary of Socialism In this paragraph this paragraph has covered that significant objectives which are related to socialism under the light of detailed explanation The socialist term comes from the Latin community which means to merge or share In 1827 the earliest known use was published in the Cooperatives Journal in England Those who followed Robert Owen in England and Henri de Saint Simon in France at the beginning of 1830s that began to express their beliefs as socialism When the time came to the 1840s the term was widely used in many industrialized countries especially in Belgium German and France states Socialism is an ideology defined by the attempt to offer a more humane and socially valuable alternative as an opposition to capitalism The essence of socialism is the vision of social beings united with the common humanity of people As John Donne said that no one is an island in his own right every human being is part of the continent part of the main part It emphasizes the degree to which individual identities are modeled by social interaction and membership of social groups and collective organs Therefore socialists prefer to cooperate with competition and prefer collectivism to individualism Defining and evaluating the central and some socialization values is equality socialism is sometimes depicted as a form of egalitarianism Socialists believe that social equity is a fundamental guarantee of social stability and integration that promotes freedom in the sense of meeting material needs and forming a basis for personal development The socialist movement has traditionally expressed the interests of the industrial working class which is systematically oppressed or structurally disadvantaged within the capitalist system The aim of socialism is to reduce or eliminate class divisions On the other hand socialism involves the astonishing diversity of divisions and rival traditions Utopian socialism or ethical socialism capitalism essentially develops a spiritual critique In short socialism capitalism depicts moral superiority because humanity is the moral creatures connected with each other by bonds of love sympathy and compassion Scientific socialism makes a scientific analysis of the historical and social development that predicts that socialism not Marxism can replace capitalism but capitalism

A second distinction concerns the difference between reaching socialism that is between revolution and reform Revolutionary socialism the communist tradition is most clearly reflected in the revolutionary class of the current political and social system based on the belief that socialism is merely the whims of existing state structures and the interests of capitalism Reformist socialism sometimes called evolution parliament or democratic socialism believes in socialism through the polls and thus accepts basic liberal democratic principles such as ratification constitutionalism and party competition Finally there are profound differences on the nature of the socialist project the end of socialism Fundamentalist socialism aims to remove and change the capitalist system which sees socialism as qualitatively different from capitalism Fundamentalist socialists such as Marxists and communists are often equal in common ownership of some forms of socialism Revisionist socialism is aimed at reforming not removing capitalism seeking shelter between market activity and the permanent spiritual vision of socialism This is most clearly expressed in social democracy Socialism emerged as a response to the social and economic conditions created in Europe with the growth of industrial capitalism The birth of socialist thought was closely related to the development of a new but growing industrial working class a characteristic of early industrialization which often experienced poverty and deterioration

For over two hundred years socialism was the main opposition force in capitalist societies and expressed the interests of the oppressed and disadvantaged peoples in many parts of the world The main influence of socialism is the twentieth century communist and social democratic movements However at the end of the 20th century socialism had fallen into some spectacular reverse and led some to declare the death of socialism The most interesting of these reversals was the collapse of communism in 1989 91 Eastern European Revolution Partly in response to this and partly as a result of globalization and changing social structures parliamentary socialist parties in various parts of the world have reexamined and sometimes rejected traditional socialist principles The social power of morality is about people having capacity not what they look like This has led socialists to develop the utopian vision of a better society in which a community of mankind can perform real emancipation and fulfillment as members In this sense despite the disruptions of the end of the twentieth century socialism is destined to survive as a reminder that human development can go beyond market individualism Critics of socialism are still advancing one of the two arguments First socialism is irreversibly flawed because of its relationship with statism The emphasis on collectivism leads to the approval of the state as a public order Both communism and social democracy are versions of socialism in this sense socialism means the expansion of state control and the restriction of freedom The second argument emphasizes dissonance and disorder in modern socialist theory In this view socialism is only meaningful as a critique of capitalism or an alternative The acceptance of market principles as socialists therefore shows that socialism itself is inaccurate or that its analyzes do not in fact root out on socialist ideas and theories Buğra Sarper Seçen 2151678

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