Essay Example on TRAINING Personnel at all levels must have the knowledge capabilities









3 0 TRAINING Personnel at all levels must have the knowledge capabilities and skills that relevant to their assigned function in good health and capable of handling their duties properly They should have the attitudes for achieving the goals of Halal and Good Manufacturing Practice GMP All personnel are directly engaged in the manufacturing activities should be trained in the particular operations and in the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice Training in Good Manufacturing Practice GMP should be in written programmes that has been approved by the head of Production Department and the head of Quality Control Department For Halal requirement under JAKIM the workers must attended halal raining to ensure the workers possess the understanding on the requirement Both trainings in Halal and Good Manufacturing Practice should be on a continuing basis and with adequate frequency to assure that employees remain familiar with the requirements relevant to their functions All the records of personnel training in Halal and Good Manufacturing Practice should be maintained and the effectiveness of training programs should be assessed periodically 4 0 

HYGIENE SANITATION a Personal hygiene is an important element to be highlighted by the management All personnel that involves with the production should undergo health examinations Under the regulation of Ministry of Health the personnel should be injected with anti typhoid vaccination All workers should practice good personal hygiene To assure protection of the product from contamination as well as the safety of the person they should wear clean full garments appropriate to the duties they perform including appropriate hair covers and shoes They also should wear appropriate glove Personnel are not allowed to smoke eat drink and chewing or keeping of plants food drink smoking materials and personal medicines should be restricted to specific areas and not permitted in production laboratory storage or other areas where they might adversely influence product quality 

The wearing of make up wrist watches and jewellery also prohibited in the production area b Sanitation of premise The premises should be of suitable design and construction so as to facilitate good sanitation Management shall provide employee s washing and well ventilated toilet facilities and changing rooms at suitable locations The changing rooms of workers need to have an adequate hand washing and suitable locker facilities for the storage of employees clothing and personal property Any preparation storage and consumption of food and beverages should be done at suitable area such as canteen Any pest is prohibited to enter the premise Therefore a regular pest control system conducted by the company itself or contracted externally All the cleaning process need to be monitored regularly c Equipment Manufacturing equipment should be adequate for the operations performed The equipment must be always be cleaned and sanitized both inside and outside after use according to established procedures and should be kept or store The equipments used should be suitable for its intended use In Halal requirement any equipment processing aids machine and appliances which have been used or in contact with severe najs or mughallazah shall be religiously cleansed according to Islamic practice and no appliances brushes from animal hair are not allowed 5 0 

LOCATION AND DESIGN The halal gelatine incubator centre must be located at a suitable site approved The location should be free from contamination from the surrounding environment such as air earth and water pollutants as well as from other nearby activities The premise should be built and maintained to protect against weather flood ground seepage and the access and harbouring of vermin rodents birds insects or other animals To determining the proper design and layout it should fulfil the following requirements i the processing of materials or products are only for halal gelatine production ii any risk of mix up between different products or their components or the possibility of cross contamination should be prevented iii The changing rooms should connected to but separated from processing areas iv toilets rest and refreshment rooms should not be in the manufacturing areas v laboratories should be physically separated from the production areas vi Any tool or elements related to worship are not allowed in the processing area which starting from the reception area for raw materials until the finished products storage area and serving place b Production Areas For production area there are few specification that need to be fulfilled i The interior surfaces such as walls ceilings and floors should be smooth and free from cracks and open joints not retain and shed particulate matter and allow easy cleaning and if necessary disinfecting ii 

The floor in processing areas should be made of impervious materials laid to an even surface and should allow prompt and efficient removal of any spillage iii Walls should be washable surface The covering of junctions made between walls and floors in the production areas could facilitate cleaning iv Premise should be effectively lit and ventilated with air control facilities shall be reviewed regularly c Storage Areas The storage areas provided for the storing of raw materials and finished products shall be i Equipped with suitable lighting arranged and equipped to allow dry clean and orderly placement of stored materials and products ii for effective separation of quarantined recalled returned iii Well ventilated and equipped in such a way as to give protection against insects or other animals especially rodents iv Free from any such animals and microorganisms brought in with the crude natural materials to prevent fermentation mould growth and cross-contamination v Always clean and in good maintenance

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