Essay Example on Voluntary is the type of employee Turnover









Voluntary is the type of employee turnover in which employee leaves the organization voluntarily Employee leaves when they got a better position in another organization or sometimes staff conflict Involuntary Involuntary employee turnover is that when the company discharges an employee It happens due to poor performance or behavioral issue Functional Employees who elect to leave their jobs might be part time employees without unique skills or simply they are not good performers It includes new comers internees etc Dysfunctional Employee who are better performer usually high skilled leaves the organization dysfunctional turnover occurs It can be costly to an organization and could be the result of a more appealing job offer or lack of opportunities in career development Employee turnover is not a new term it as old as business Every good organization took some steps to control the turnover rate There are many factors which organizations looked such as relationship with boss working conditions adventure at workplace career development and overall corporate culture Hamid Mudor Voluntary turnover is most interesting because most of employee work within organization with owns interest and when they separate the organization both direct and indirect cost incurred Dess and Shaw Fishbein and Ajen founded that attitude towards the job impact belief about the consequences or utility of leaving the organization which ultimate leads to the actual turnover Staw 1890 says that turnover is one of best solution to conflict in order for the organization to function effectively but at present employer personally involved in order to judge the situation and to retain the employees because a huge cost is incurred to recruitment replacement training of employees

Turnover may badly affect the attitudes or de motivate and morel of the employees who remain in the same organization So at present organizations are in search of different ways or methods to retain employees for a long period Liew Chai hong Retention is a voluntary move by an organization to create an environment which engages employees for long term There are many other reasons that affect the turnover rate such as communicate gap bored work meaningfulness job workload and stress less supportive staff wage rate and less consulting Theoretical framework The following factors affect the employee turnover rate Relationship with boss To have a toxic relationship with the person an employee reports to undermines the employee s engagement confidence and commitment According to many sources a bad boss is also the number one reason why employees quit their job Communication Gap Hold regular meetings in which employees can offer ideas and ask questions Have an open door policy that encourages employees to speak frankly with their managers without fear of repercussion Boredom workplace 

Employees want to enjoy their job They spend more than a third of their days working Work closely with employees who report to you to ensure that each employee is engaged excited and challenged to contribute create and perform Otherwise you will lose them to an employer who will Glass Ceiling Employees want to develop and grow their skills If an employee can t see a path to continued growth in their current organization they are likely to look elsewhere for a career development or promotion opportunity Help them create a clearly defined path to achieving them Undefined goals Employees need to feel connected and that they are part of an effort that is larger than just their job They need to feel as if they matter in the larger picture of the organization Too many managers assume that the employee will receive the communication about the vision mission and overall plan from executive staff and make this leap Corporate culture Employees appreciate a workplace in which communication is transparent management is accessible executives are approachable and respected and direction is clear and understood Your overall culture keeps employees or turns them away

Monetary Factors Compensation often includes an employee s base salary and additional benefits such as health insurance retirement plans and performance bonuses Several federal laws affect the compensation that businesses offer A business owner should understand the importance of compensation and the prevailing laws to remain competitive in the market Lack of good working condition Your working conditions are affected by factors including health and safety security and working hours Poor working conditions can damage your health and put your safety at risk Your employer is legally responsible for ensuring good working conditions but you also have a responsibility to work safely Lack of Respect Employees who are rude vulgar or make condescending remarks to others can significantly diminish office morale Many employers implement code of conduct policies to clearly define disrespectful and inappropriate workplace behavior as well as the consequences for engaging in such behavior Flexible working policy Research shows that flexible work arrangements may reduce stress because employees working flexibly are more satisfied with their jobs more satisfied with their lives and experience better work family balance Stress of work

A healthy job is likely to be one where the pressures on employees are appropriate in relation to their abilities and resources to the amount of control they have over their work and to the support they receive from people who matter to them Hypothecs H1 There is positive relationship between employee satisfaction and employee turnover at workplace Methodology Cause and effect research methodology has been used After briefly study it is found that employee turnover affected by employee satisfaction and employee satisfaction influences by factors which discussed earlier Conclusion Nowadays it is becoming a major problem in the business And employee satisfaction wills the helps retention of turnover Because lacking of these factors affect the organization and overall profit It the responsibility of managers to focus on these factors and tries to retain their employees Personal characteristics exhibited a higher correlation with absenteeism than turnover These results point to the importance of using multivariate and comparative analyses in the study of withdrawal behavior

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