Essay Example on What is Behavioural Experiments








What is Behavioural Experiments Behavioural Experiments are planned activities upon experimentation or observation undertaken by patients in session or between sessions It is so they are to test existing beliefs and or help test more adaptive beliefs Their design is derived from the formulation Post more simply A behavioural experiment is when the client gets to test something out Simplified A way to test our beliefs Informed by a shared formulation Identify the specific belief to test Rate the strength of belief Devise a way of testing this out Make predictions Identify and problem solve around any obstacles Drop safety behaviours Conduct experiment Rate outcome belief Why Behavioural Experiments Behavioural experiments try to help clients think about things differently Thought record can be a powerful method Although its rarely sufficient on its own However It allows the patient to become more aware of the thinking patterns of behaviour and also come to alternatives Unfortunately they are still not fully convinced that the alternatives are true This is when behavioural experiments come to play behavioural experiments can Put to the test of the patient's previous negative and not helpful existing beliefs Put to the test more helpful beliefs Enable experimental learning learning by doing Increase the chance will say they feel it in my heart as well as know it in my head Homework A patient cannot easily apply Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tools when sitting in the environment of the clinic or therapy room so it's only through homework undertaken outside of therapy setting home that only the patient can apply such skills to real life

The perspective is at the end of the session the patient is able to carry on using the tools and can become their own therapist Therefor if homework has not been a regular feature of therapy it is highly unlikely that the patient will continue to find CBT effective following cessation of the treatment sessions As homework is central to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy time must be allocated to setting them up 5 10 minutes at the end of the session Homework will often follow on directly from major topics that have been part of the discussion in the session The range of homework is also boundless It relies on the ingenuity of the therapist and patient in setting up suitable assignments in a collaborative manner Self Monitoring What is self monitoring It is a cognitive behavioural strategy of cognitive training technique that requires patients to keep track and note of their own behaviour It is a self management technique in which patients monitor their own behaviour such as attention to task then record note it down Self monitoring of behaviour standards values and other internal states is critical What is the procedure stages Discuss with patient practicalities and likelihood difficulties Stress that it must be prospective Provide written instructions and a completed example Form should be simple to complete for patient Reviewing the monitoring records is a crucial part of a session Paying close attention to the process of monitoring in the session of number one and respond with perplexity if the patient unfortunately has not been monitored What is Socratic Questions Cognitive therapy use socratic questioning in a process of guided discovery The therapist does not know in advance where the line of questioning is likely lead The prime motivation of Socratic questioning is to understand the patients view of things not simply to change the patients mind The questions used elicit a behavioural non judgemental description of the issue at hand Asking a patient to describe their inner thought processes often directs their attention of aspects of their experience which though relevant have previously gone unnoticed

This can be profoundly therapeutic in itself besides being grist to the therapeutic mill Types of Socratic Questions 1 Clarification how does this relate to our discussion 2 Probe assumption How can you verify or disprove your assumption 3 Probe reasons and evidence How do you think this causes to happen 4 Viewpoints and Perspectives What would be another way to look at this 5 Implications and Consequences What are the consequences of your assumption 6 Questions about the Questions What does this mean Systematic Desensitisation What is Systematic Desensitisation It is a form of Joseph Wolpe The objective of the therapy is to reduce or eliminate fear or anxiety in which the patient through counterconditioning The patient Is trained in deep muscle relaxation The patient has a variety of anxiety provoking situations or a specific phobia These problems are placed from the strongest to the weakest order for example the patient is anxious about which one is causing anxiety fear the least Four stages of Systematic Desensitisation 1 Construction of the anxiety hierarchy 2 Relaxation Training 3 Counterconditioning the pairing of relaxation with the feared stimulus and exposure therapy 4 Assessment of whether the patient can successfully interact with the phobic object

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