347However daily meditation can help students with difficult emotions which it can give students the room to fully experience an emotion for what it is We know it is more relax in study environment students can think fast and easier when they took meditation and provide students more opportunity to not face the failure due to their brain is relaxation in this environment According to Harvard Health Publishing 2014 as selected from Harvard medical school in the topic of What meditation can do for your mind mood and health as we known this university is the top of university in the world state that mindfulness in university has many proven benefits which will let students increase optimism and happiness in the classes and decreased bullying Increased ability to understand and share the feelings of students that also help students solve their conflicts and make a good friend Harvard Health Publishing 2014 Meditation would give students peaceful feeling internally and the benefit would not leave after meditation Harvard Health Publishing 2014 A research met that student s who meditate usually will get higher scores on affectivity and emotional competence Harvard Health Publishing 2014 Meditation will improve students emotional by teach them how to study in the university happily and successful Harvard Health Publishing 2014 For example The study found the mindfulness training will teach students how to stay alert and in the moment as giving them a kind of mental armor Students don't accept and get the advantages until the point when they begin Maybe meditation is an awesome thing to practice to influence student self to quiet and centered